Training is the key to surpassing one’s limits

2 months have passed, crackling noises erupted as Nicolaus's figure fiercely lunged forward as he was facing an opponent in his mind. Within the blink of an eye, a blow was delivered, which his opponent deftly deflected away.

A hook, a finger stab to the eye, a kick to the groin. In a short period of time, he performed a sequence of moves that were all launched into the vital points of the human body.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

During his month of training, the old shaman has primed him in every part of his body, and he has already advanced to the early stages of the heroic realm as a result of this training.

Peak performance, his body is as flexible as it possibly can be. He could effortlessly bend and crawl like a crab, or climb and swing like a monkey, without any difficulty.

His motions resembled those of a professional athlete on the planet Earth, and they were precise and refined.

If Nicolaus had been living while on our planet, he would have made headlines for being a true kid prodigy.

As a 6-year-old kid, he already has physical power that rivals that of an adult. His strikes are deadly and lethal, once an opponent is caught off guard and he has the chance to execute a killing blow, he will not hesitate to do it, even if it means spitting in his opponent's face.

The old shaman has already given him a choice to make whether if he will choose a weapon or not, and Nicolaus initially desired a heavy sword so that he could put his powerful body to good use against his enemy, as a single hack of the sword with his body will cause severe damage. But he changed his mind after realizing that the human hand is already considered a weapon.

Whereas a sword is considerably more practical and has a long-range, the human hand can be morphed into a spear, shield, sword, or even into a bow if necessary. The technique Nicolaus can change his hand into a spear hand for striking, a palm for blocking, a knife-hand for chopping, and even a bow by utilizing his surroundings as an advantage and flinging it into his opponents are all instances of the hand's versatility.

As an illustration, a rock traveling at fast speeds will harm even if it is tiny in size, such as a pebble, since it is traveling at faster rpm, and particularly if it is jagged and has a sharp edge, which will enhance its lethal factor.

Furthermore, making customized small things that may be used as concealed weapons, on the other hand, is not tough, and as a result, Nicolaus intends to produce such in the future.

A weapon that can be used in a variety of situations. As a result, Nicolaus has decided to use his hands to kill his foes.

Finally, with a twist of his wrist, Nicolaus managed to break the opponent's neck as its image disappeared from his field of vision. Signifying his win.

Releasing a mouthful of hot breath, Nicolaus panted slightly, as he didn't even put down his increased weights in fighting his imaginary enemy. Making it even more impressive.

Taking the wooden pipe dangling on his waist, Nicolaus blew out a drag from it, gently savoring the taste, and with that, he returned to his training.

5 months have passed, the old shaman fashioned him a new pair of vests, which are similar to combat vests on earth in that they are tied tightly to his body and are ideal for fighting as well as being long-lasting and sturdy.

However, the weight is continually being raised, and Nicolaus is now lifting 130kg, in only his vests. In the middle of his training. With the addition of several weighted straps placed on his legs and forearm, the total weight of the gear is 200kg. Akin to carrying a Bottlenose dolphin at all times.

Nicolaus was explicitly instructed by the old shaman to only remove it when showering; even in the event of a battle, Nicolaus is not permitted to remove it unless it is in a life-threatening scenario.

Every stride Nicolaus made would've left a deep impression in his feet, but as a heroic stage warrior, he already has complete control over his body, and as a result, he can take a light step and not even leave a single imprint.

He marched onward, gaining strength as he ascended a cliff with just his left hand and his right hand behind his back. He was a force to be reckoned with. The drawback of adopting this method is that if your mind is vacant and you are continuously thinking about unimportant things while climbing, you will fall straight to your death, which is a fatal mistake.

The trick here is that you will only concentrate and push onward since your life and death are on the line, causing your whole body to exude a feeling of danger and, as a result, forcing you to push yourself beyond your limitations.

As the old shaman always says, teach them when they're young.

The old shaman's decrepit figure stood atop the cliff, surveying his worn-out apprentice's worn-out figure below him, a grin creeping over his face as he observed his attitude.

Unbeknownst to the old shaman, Nicolaus was chanting the word fuck, every time he felt a loose rock, which he would immediately try to hug his body in the wall when he was already starting to fall.

His eyes bloodshot, as he looked up and saw the old shaman's smiling figure, he let out a shit before continuing his ascent to the top of the mountain.

7 months passed, like a beaten and battered figure, a wooden log the size of a barrel, hit him square in the chest as he stood his ground like a silent boulder. He let out a grunt, as he felt his gums bleeding and the world spinning.

The old shaman told Nicolaus to learn to take hits and Nicolaus thought initially that a normal tribal warrior would try to condition his body. However, to his astonishment, the old shaman constructed something resembling a wooden log contraption in only one night.

A wooden log tied to a rope was placed by the old shaman, and at the end of the rope, the old shaman's smiling image would push the log towards Nicolaus, who was warned not to move. First, Nicolaus was pissed, believing it to be some kind of sick joke on his behalf. As even though he was now considered a warrior, he was still a young kid, and his body is still not that of an adult.

But shortly after he was hit by a wooden log, sending him flying 2 meters away, his head tilting slightly, and he fainted as his brain trembled when the massive log struck his body, causing him to lose consciousness.

He was able to make significant progress toward the next level, though, due to this ridiculous training program. Making him even more formidable than he was before. The old shaman acted like a madman, allowing his apprentice to learn how to take a hit like a man.

Upon hearing those words, Nicolaus gave a middle finger to the old shaman.

"Hmm….? What does that mean? What are you doing?" The old shaman said as he looked at his apprentice laying in the ground 5meters away.

He had increased the power of his pushes at the last instant, and such, Nicolaus didn't expect the force to grow by at least two-fold, and immediately, he has flown away like a ragdoll.

Pweh! Spitting out some blood, Nicolaus sat up and grinned while his gums were still red from his blood, he replied, "It means peace among worlds old man… Peace!"

As the months passed, Nicolaus didn't let out a single master anymore, since he believes that calling his old shaman master is a sham. Rather than looking like a master, he seemed to be abusing a little kid. Meanwhile, their relationship got close and the old shaman especially doesn't put on airs in front of Nicolaus like what a master would, and such, Nicolaus treated the old shaman in the manner in which he preferred.

However, this does not imply that the training will be slowed down or that it will be dialed down a notch. Only when it came to training would the old shaman be severe and demanding, and on all other occasions, he would just treat Nicolaus like a brat, as if he were some sort of freeloader who was eating his food and sleeping in his home without consent.

The old shaman often smacked Nicolaus on the back of the head, questioning why his progress was so slow. As a result, giving Nicolaus an unlimited lifetime supply of organic herbs, freshly harvested from the old shaman's collection, to use in his wooden pipe.

"Good! I like it… Peace… Do you hate me brat?... You should know how to make peace with your master if you don't want to get some extra lessons." The old shaman said with a sly look in his eyes as he shot Nicolaus his middle finger.

"Why you…." Nicolaus's veins popped out of his forehead, as he grumbled inwardly, " The old ginger, the spicier it gets… Well played old man… well played."

"Are you going to sit there all day, acting like a fool, or you'll learn to take a hit and not fly away like a sissy?" The old shaman mocked.

"Insults would only get you far... Old man. If I was really a hot-blooded teenager, I would have been enraged, but with this life and the previous one, I would've already been an old man myself. Nevertheless, with my meager age combine, I doubt if I could even be a fraction of your age, damn antique!" Nicolaus thought, as he slowly made his way into the contraption, and gave his middle finger.

Back and forth, the two old men made a sign of peace.