The arguable trio

"Luna, you should go to a very specialised doctor.!! I... I... You should go" Hiro pulled his hair and paced around her garage lab while Luna was typing on her computer.

"Hiro relax. As I said. Don't get too messed up. I am actually fine. To be honest, I live normal" Luna's eyes never pried off the screen. "how is this possible? A tristranded DNA.... Nucleic acid we never know about. What if it is slowly killing you inside" Hiro panicked.

"Seriously, I am telling you, there is nothing wrong. My nucleic acids are pretty inactive. For goodness sake, can you stop pacing? It's getting on my nerves." Luna swirled in her chair looking at a nervous Hiro.

"Yes. Absolutely. So... What are you working on?" Hiro stepped close to her. He was hit with her scent. The scent peaceful lavender and pleasant rose. Her hair not too straight nor curly. Black as the night are her hair and her eyes. Few days she spent with her, his body things to him.

"I am just updating Baymax sensors to hypersupersensors. He has to do a lot of scanning. Also, a way that could not drain his battery. I think you will love it" Luna smirked.

Hiro was so caught up in her beauty, he forget what she said. It's when she finished, he nervously smiled, "oh cool"


"You kidding me? A solar cell and mechanical energy storage system" Hiro was baffled at the idea.

"Ya. I am pretty sure he does a lot of work walking around. So, why not convert his walking into energy? The energy stored is not much so I backed it up with a solarcell. Oh don't forget the human energy too. Everytime he scans a human, he attains a little amount of energy. So what do you think? "Luna crossed her arms in her chest proudly. He was first other person except Mark and Jason she showed off her ideas.

Hiro was awestruck and his eyes never blinked. Luna got worried and shook him a little. It is that little shook that made Hiro jolt and hug her tight.

Surprised, Luna jumped but Hiro held her. His face buried into her neck. "It's amazing" he took in her scent and let her go. Heat raised to Luna's cheeks. She was never close to a boy like this before. Not even Mark.

"Luna, your heartrate is accelerated. And you are blushing" Baymax commented. "looks like we have a shy girl too, baymax." Hiro smirked.

How Luna wished she could slap away his sly smirk from his face.


"Ms. Vielle. You have done extremely good in your classes. And I suspect you just are tired and that explains your yawning. So I give you permission for a private lab." Granville presented her to a lab.

"Thanks. I am so grateful. I promise professor, I will listen to your every single word" Luna tick toked her finger.

"Then follow me" Granville faced away and started walking away. Luna's eyes went wide and before she could talk, she was already following Granville.

"Professor. Is there something else you want me to surprise you with?" Luna rubbed her arms and an innocent smile playing on her lips.

"perhaps yes. An unexpectable gift" Granville stopped in front of a lab. The door opened and she saw various chemical in various funnels and more petri dishes. In the far end, she saw a girl in a brown ponytail. An injection right in her hand. Age around Hiro.

"This is Karmie. An another young student at SFIT. I know it is hard as a young little genius. So I considered Karmie could help with your socializing skill"

"i am soo excited. Hi I am Karmie. A biotech major. I heard so much about you" She energetically squealed.

"oh wow. I didn't know word got around" Luna scratched her neck.

"A journal should be submitted next coming Saturday. Karmie, show her to the food zone during lunch. " Granville left. It's at that moment Granville left, she heard a groan from behind.

"ugh. Another Hiro. Another trouble" she said. Her happy squealing vanished. Luna raised her eyebrows of what she was referring to.

"You don't get it, do you?. What I say is, in you think you are a special white blood cell but you are nothing but a common red blood cell" She pointed. Luna smiled.

"actually, I would go with platelets. They are life saving" Luna commented. Karmie grunted and turned.

"so a biorobotics major. We have the bio part in common" Karmie looked in a microscope.

"yes. So you see. We could be friends?" it came out more of a question.

"not with you. Stay out my face and stay out of my space."

Luna's hand raised in surrender. She continued working on and Luna would pester with random question.

"oh is this N5-4? This is a streptococci. You should wear a biohazard suit. It might affect you" Luna was concerned.

Karmie on the other hand was annoyed. "Can't you keep quiet? I would love to take you to lunch" she squealed again.

Just when Luna thought why the sudden change? . She saw her answer. Professor Granville standing at the door.

"Good thing you are getting along. Also I got another person who could help you" and behind Granville appeared that one person who brought a smile.

"Hiro" Luna called out.

"You three young geniuses. I would like you to work on a project together. Biotech, robotics and biorobotics. I think you make a perfect trio" Granville suddenly hit them with a project.

"But professor....." Hiro started.

"Save it, Mr. Hamada. I look forward for you project presentation." Granville left.

Glances were shared between the trio. "Oh genius boy is here. I can't belive I have to work with you guys" Karmie shouted.

Luna side glanced at Hiro who just shrugged. "let's come up with an idea and do our parts seperate.or... Karmie, your could just not take part and we will do it and I won't sell you out " Hiro casually said.

Karmie snarled and stepped closer to Hiro. She was a bit taller. And Luna herself shorter than Hiro." Look here, big head. I am not taking your 'won't sell you out thing' " she pointed at his head.

" Atleast I am not non socializing like you" Hiro pointed.

Before the convo could go further, Luna stepped in between them. "Guys stop it. I don't know what is between you. But I look forward to work with you guys. Karmie, I know you are a great person on the inside and great biotech engineer. I just need to know more about you. Hiro, I know you always like to help and great genius in robotics. I hope you guys show me a different world"She pleasantly said. Not too low nor Not too loud.

Karmie looked at her and she smiled. Hiro blinked. "Luna, I see you are a great person on the inside too. Not like that knuckle head though" Karmie's eyes narrowed at Hiro.

"Hello. Do you know me?" Hiro stared at Karmie in return.

Luna facepalmed, "Guys. Can't you just be friends? We are around same age group."

"Never" Both said in unison.

Luna groaned at their enmity toward each other.