

His suit glowed venom green and smoke swirled him. Definitely updated.

His hoverboard hovered next to Vantae. "Surprise! Isn't it

Delightful? "Vantae cheery voiced.

"this can't be....." Luvi voice trembled.

"Well it's a surprise, isn't it?"

"Mark, you are alive" Luvi dropped her guard down and charged to hug him. A green fire shot her across her chest.

Her chest burned, it was on fire. "it hurts...". Her breath became heavy. It somehow hurt her inspite of her fire proof armor.

"Now look at that, laser fire does come in handy" Vantae laughed.

Mark's glare fixed on Luvi as she trembled. He stooped over her as she curled herself to bear the pain.

"Seek the answer to our enmity." he whispered. Luvi's world turned dark.


A ring woke Hiro from his slumber. Hiro groaned as he grabbed his phone.

"HELLO! MICASA NOW!" Fred shouted and hanged up.

Hiro pulled his hair up. He saw baymax on his charging port. "Time to go baymax. He better have something worth or I am pushing him down the cliff"


"Fred! What's the emergency?" Hiro asked Fred as Fred led him to his room.

"Well.... You will see" Fred nervously chuckled.

"If it is not, I am pushing you off the cliff"

"would you, hiro?" Baymax asked.

Hiro rolled his eyes at him.

"What is happening?" Hiro asked as he saw his group of friends crowded.

"Hiro, you might want to see this." Honey lemon pulled him by the shoulder. Hiro 's eyed widened.

"SCANNIN COMPLETE. She has a mild degree of burn over her chest and is under the influence of formaldehyde." Baymax commented.

Hiro scanned her. Her chest was wrapped in bandages, her cheek bruised and her eyes peacefully closed.

"What happened?" Hiro asked as he took a seat beside her.

"We don't know. Me and gogo were on patrol as usual. And we found her, just laying there" Fred said.

"we brought her to this mansion and called honey lemon and Wasabi to treat her wounds. Nothing to worry" Gogo finished for him.

"Why is she not waking up? Does Jason know??" Hiro traced her cheek.

"She is under that drug. She might need time. And we didn't inform Jason" Honey lemon answered.

Hiro sighed. "We have to let him know."

"but she is still in her gear. We can't remove it." Wasabi said. Her cloves and gear pants were still on her.

Hiro pulled his hair. This isn't happening. He can't lose anyone anymore. He saw her eyes wrinkle and slowly open.

The moment her eyes stared back at him, he sprinted to her. "You alright?"

Luna nodded. "Who did this to you?"

She weakly smiled and pulled herself up. She held her head with her hand. "You need to wait until the drug wears off" Hiro placed his hand over her exposed shoulder.

At that moment, she realised how naked she was. She clicked her watch and her body was covered back to her normal dress.

"it's rude to touch a girl" She scoffed. "I am glad you are fine" Hiro chuckled.

"What happened?" Hiro asked as he placed his hand over hers. Honey lemon and Fred exchanged excited looks.

She slowly peeled away her hand, "Nothing much. Just encountered a villain that's it"

Hiro frowned at her. "Alright. Then I will tell Jason that you went on to have some adventures and you got hurt" he mumbled, pulling his phone out.

"No nono. Don't tell him. Tell him that.... We were working on something and it bursted, that's how I got the injury" She pleaded.

"Nope. If you don't tell the truth, I am gonna tell him that you are being naughty" Hiro smirked.

Luna rolled her eyes. She pulled him by the collar and his eyes saw nothing but hers. He could feel her breath over him.

"I will tell you when we are alone. So goddammit don't smirk" she whispered and pushed him away.

"Hiro, your hormone levels...."Baymax started.

"No no I am fine. Totally fine baymax. Let's just say Jason that." Hiro nervously chuckled and proceeded to call him.
