Congratulations, President Qiao

After ten minutes of going through the rest of the papers, ten minutes of catching the next train to the heart of the city and another ten minutes of hurrying up the company's building to her boss's office, Fang Linyi stood with tangled dark brown hair and wide eyes, panting as she placed the folder onto Mr. Li's desk.

He was sitting in the back of his office, legs propped onto the table in front of him and head tilted sideways while he scanned through the papers. His forehead creased in concentration. Out of all the times Lingyi had delivered important documents to Mr. Li, this was the first time she'd seen him so focused. Mr. Li pushed his glasses further up his nose, smiling in satisfaction as he did so.

"Lingyi, you did a wonderful job this time. When the meeting is over, you will certainly be rewarded for your diligence," Mr. Li praised, placing the folder back down onto the table.

Lingyi beamed widely. "Thank you, Director Li, but this is what I should be doing for the company."

With a knowing nod, Mr. Li glanced at his expensive Rolex watch. What he saw made him stand up abruptly, turning his head to the door of his spacious office. "Thank you again for delivering the papers on such short notice. Since the private meeting is about to begin, why don't you take this time and go back home to have a rest? You've worked hard preparing these papers." Mr. Li suggested, stepping around his desk.

She followed Mr. Li to the door just as it opened to reveal Mr. Li'ssecretary, who took no noticed of Lingyi.

"Director Li, President Qiao is here to see you," she informed her boss monotonously, gesturing behind her.

President Qiao?

Fang Lingyi's heart lept in her ribcage.

"Send him in, please," Mr. Li replied, running a hand down his face.

"Yes, Director Li." The secretary moved aside to allow whoever was behind her to pass.

Lingyi didn't realize she was holding her breath until a ridiculously familiar figure emerged from the doorway and into the room, his long black coat sweeping a pair of long legs. Beneath the coat, however, was a fitted white shirt and suit jacket, both hugging the man's torso tightly. And as Lingyi's eyes travelled up to the guest's face, her heart skipped a whole beat. His eyes were hidden by sunglassess far too valuable for even the wealthiest of superstars, but the angles of the rest of his face - they were too easy to recognize. Lingyi hadn't believed until now that he was really back.

Qiao Zeyan had really returned.

"Welcome, President Qiao to TO. What a pleasure it is to finally meet you in person," Mr. Li broke through the suffocating silence, waving the CEO of ACE over to the coffee table whilst leaning over to pour himself and the guest each a cup of steaming tea.

Without even sparing a look in her direction, Qiao Zeyan sat himself down, the air becoming significantly cool with his overbearing presence.

"President Qiao, I hope your flight from Amercia went smoothly," Mr. Li spoke, crossing his legs on the sofa.

"It was fine," was all Qiao Zeyan responded bluntly with.

Mr. Li cleared his throat, raising his eyes to Lingyi, who was still stood staring at Qiao Zeyan, her eyes swarming with mixed emotions.

What was he doing here?

It's been six years - why did he suddenly decide to return?

"Lingyi," Mr. Li called out, trying not to sound irritated, "would you mind leaving the two of us?"

Fang Lingyi snapped her head to look at Mr. Li, flushing bright red. "Of course," she answered, spinning to the door.

"Wait," Qiao Zeyan's low voice forced Lingyi to stop, her hand wrapped around the door handle already.

Had he recognized her as well? What did he want from her?

"Director Li, I would prefer if Miss Fang stayed for our meeting. I think she would like to hear what we are to discuss," the CEO of ACE requested, his eyes suddenly focused solely on her.

Linyi whipped around, stunned. Mr. Li looked purely taken aback.

"President Qiao, this is not really appropriate..."

One look into Qiao Zeyan's eyes made Mr. Li pause midway through his sentence.

"Very well," Mr. Li agreed, signalling for Lingyi to take a seat.

Lingyi sucked in a breath, tangling her fingers in her lap as she perched on the far side of the couch, as far away as she could get from President Qiao. On the surface, he looked completely unbothered by this.

"As mentioned before on the phone, TO is going bankrupt in the market due to some... complications." Lingyi felt her gaze being drawn toward Mr. Li, rapidly muddled. Mr. Li went on, "I am so grateful that you have decided to buy this company, President Qiao. I would like to thank you on behalf of all the founders and employees here at TO," Mr. Li explained, pushing the folder Lingyi had helped him organize toward President Qiao.

Lingyi felt the blood drain from her face.

Mr. Li was selling TO to Qiao Zeyan?

She'd worked here for three years of her life - it couldn't just end here.

He wouldn't possibly do that.

"I hope that in the future, TO can help ACE expand further in the market and take down competitors such as YR, and we are hoping in return that we have your partnership."

Qiao Zeyan flipped through the documents, documents Lingyi now knew were part of the contract. Why did she feel so ashamed of herself?

Mr. Li offered the guest a pen.

"Director Li," Lingyi interrupted jumping to her feet. The slightest smile bloomed on Qiao Zeyan's face but she ignored it, irritated. "What is the meaning of this?"

Mr. Li sighed, rubbing his temples. "Lingyi, I knew you and the other employees here at TO wouldn't take this well, so I decided to hold a private meeting with President Qiao, who is willing to purchase and invest in the growth of this company. All of TO's original members will be let go from their position and replaced with members of ACE."

Lingyi glared at Qiao Zeyan.

"But, Director Li, we've all worked so hard for the success of TO. It would be heartbreaking to just watch all our hard work crumble to dust. And it isn't so easy to find another job in this city. Would it not be fair to the members to be kept in the dark about this matter?"

"This decision has already been made by me and the founders. There is no going back now, Lingyi. President Qiao has already agreed to help TO," Mr. Li replied threateningly. "This useless arguing will do neither of us any good."

"But, DIrector-"

"Lingyi." Mr. Li shot her a stern look.

Then President Qiao cut in, the corner of his lips twitching. "Director Li, I have one more condition before TO is fully in my possession." He poised the pen in his long fingers.

"Please don't hesitate to speak, President Qiao," Mr. Li laughed nervously, his attitude changing instantly.

The haughty man Lingyi had known since she was five leaned back into the sofa, smiling cunningly. "I would like Miss Fang to continue to work at TO, as well as all the other employees, and you are ensure each of them will receive a significant pay rise before the company is to be handed to me."

Mr. Li blinked. "Are you sure, President Qiao?" He paled at the mention of money. "I don't know if this will be possible to arrange-"

"I want it done, or the contract is no longer valid." Qiao Zeyan's eyes were on hers the whole time. She couldn't look away.

It seemed President Qiao wouldn't agree to buying the company unless all its employees remained working for him.

Mr. Li was anxious to the point he looked faint.

"O-Of course, President Qiao. I will have it arranged as soon as possible."

"Good. This whole meeting has been recorded, which means if you are to go back on your word, Director Li, your company will no longer be under my care and I will make sure the public knows about your disrespect and irresposibility." In shorter words, Qiao Zeyan would destroy Mr. Li's reputation. Then, without hesitation, Qiao Zeyan signed something onto the page, evem his thoughtless scribbing elegant and flowing.

Mr. Li swiped at his forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat which formed above his brow. "I understand, President Qiao."

They both stood afterward, Qiao Zeyan easily towering over the stout man. Mr. Li stretched out a hand for his guest to shake but Qiao Zeyan only eyed it, putting his sunglasses back on.

"I never shake hands," he told him coldly before striding toward the door. Lingyi was frozen on the spot, her lack of shock leaving her scared. Qiao Zeyan turned his head ever so slightly, addressing Lingyi as he said with subtle but undeniable arrogance, "Are you coming?"

It was the last thing she wanted to do.

Lingyi opened her mouth to protest, but one look at Mr. Li told her it would only make things worse. She knew it too.

So without a word, she followed after her new boss, the CEO of ACE and now owner of all of TO through the doors of the office.