They arrived at Longting Villa less than twenty minutes later, Qiao Zeyan helping her step out of the car. It was a classic villa, a large pool located at the front of the home, cars like the one Fang Lingyi just exited from parked nearby. People - dozens of them - were making their way toward the front entrance, dressed similarly to the two of them.
Maybe it was a good thing, Lingyi thought, that Qiao Zeyan decided to gift her with such a elaborate and revealing dress for tonight. There wasn't a single woman out here not showing their skin. At least she blended in.
Looping her arm with the arm of the CEO of ACE, Fang Lingyi plodded carefully along the stone path leading to the entrance, marked by two stone pillars and interweaving vines that crawled along their surface. Fairy lights were distributed about the villa, giving off a shimmering, mysterious glow to the space around.
It was even more beautiful inside the building, all the guests crowding into the large hall on their immediate left. There were polished marble floors, crystal chandeliers, more pillars, and an excess of fancy-dressed people wandering around aimlessly, taking in the tapestries dangling from the walls or enjoying the wine at the bar to the end of the hall, already busy as the bartenders rushed to please their customers.
There was an air of power emanating from every person standing in this room, and Lingyi couldn't help but tighten her grip on Qiao Zeyan's arm.
He tipped his head down to watch her, eyes hard. But he still wordlessly reassured her by resting his free hand on top of hers, showing his best smile as the crowd progressed forward, the large stage now in sight.
And at this moment, she felt the world melt away as it was just her and Zeyan making their way through the gathering, the lights dancing across their skin and illuminating a path. She peered at him from under her lashes, noticing how the corner of his eyes creased when he smiled and how fatally attractive he really was beneath that cold, indifferent facade.
The thought was gone as quickly as it had come.
She heard footsteps behind them before a gravelly voice greeted, "I'm so glad you made it tonight, Zeyan." Her and her companion both turned at the same time to see a small man not much taller than Lingyi herself holding a flute of bubbling champagne in one hand while the other stretched out to Qiao Zeyan. "My name is Gu Shenpang, one of the Board leaders and former CEO of Liuxian Entertainment. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
Qiao Zeyan looked down at the offered hand hesitantly.
Lingyi reached out instead, shaking the Board leader's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Gu."
Qiao Zeyan was watching her - she could feel it.
Gu Shenpang looked a little baffled, the wrinkles on his aging face crinkling. "And you are...?"
Linyi laughed anxiously, bowing her head. "My name is Fang Lingyi. I work with President Qiao at the company."
The Board leader gave a little laugh himself. "Well, Miss Fang, I hope you are enjoying your evening so far," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched but his hand stayed there. Qiao Zeyan tensed next to her.
Lingyi tried not to look bothered, shooting the CEO next to her a look before replying, "Of course I am. This is a lovely place."
"It is indeed a lovely place, but it's loveliness is nothing in comparison to the loveliness you possess, Miss Fang," he said shamelessly, raising his glass of champagne to her. She nodded, forcing a smile to her lips.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a muscle in Qiao Zeyan's jaw feather, his hands tightening into fists at his sides. She nudged him gently, knowing he was the type of person to act rashly. If he offended a Board leader, his reputation, let alone all the reputations of the employees at ACE, would be ruined.
"You flatter me, Mr. Gu," she responded, feeling Gu Shenpang's hand finally slide down from her arm. "Is your wife here tonight?"
All that information she'd memorized now paid off. Gu Shenpang, the third Board leader in command, was happily married to the daughter of the rich Lin family, who owned extremely valuable land, for thirty-three years and had several children of their own, all of them now either studying in university or working a job.
Mr. Gu seemed uncomfortable. "She couldn't make it tonight, I'm afraid. There was some business she needed to tend to."
No, she only refused to attend the dinner party tonight because she was busy filing the divorce papers after discovering her husband had been sleeping around with girls three times younger than him behind her back.
"Oh, that's a shame. I was really looking forward to meeting her tonight." Gu Shenpang looked beyond stressed, ruffling what was left of his waxed, graying hair. But Qiao Zeyan hadn't relaxed even a little, his eyes still pinned on the man in front of them.
The Board leader's fingers suddenly circled around Lingyi's wrist, attempting to drag her toward him. "Miss Fang, why don't I show you around the villa before the speeches begin?" he swiftly changed the subject, signalling for a waiter passing by to take his empty glass.
Fang Lingyi twisted her head to look at Qiao Zeyan, his arm still around hers as he watched helpnessness eventually wash over her face. He tugged her back and she felt the warmth of his body wrap around her. Gu Shenpang whirled around, eyes flickering from the arm Qiao Zeyan had securely around Lingyi's waist to the CEO himself, who had a cool, stony expression printed on his face.
"I think I can take care of my fiance just fine, Mr. Gu," Qiao Zeyan informed the Board leader composedly, a hint of disgust lacing his tone.
Gu Shenpang faltered and so did Lingyi, neither of them expecting this. "I didn't know you were engaged, President Qiao."
"We haven't officially announced it to the public yet, but that doesn't mean, Mr. Gu," he said, pausing to stepping toward Gu Shenpang even as Lingyi tried to pull him back before he did something he would definitely regret later, "that my fiance can be approached by any man."
From her spot beside Qiao Zeyan, she saw that he easily towered over the Board leader, his face suddenly pale. It was terrifying how a man such as him could intimidate those possessing even more power. It was truly, utterly frightening.
But a dark, hidden part of her felt safe around him. A feeling she knew would destroy her from the inside out one day.
"Let's go," he told her, gripping her roughly by the arm.
"Qiao Zeyan, slow down!" she demanded, struggling to keep up in her heels as he towed her past the guests, their low rumble of voices cutting out her protests.
He continued weaving through the growing crowd, seemingly trying to take her as far away from Gu Shenpang and any others as possible, stopping only when they reached a shelter of dim lights at the corner of the hall and she was pressed against the base of a pillar, Qiao Zeyan hovering barely an inch in front of her.
He looked over her shoulder before dipping his head down to her neck and whispering, "Put your arms around me."
"What?" she hissed back, suddenly aware of how close they were.
"Just do it," he ordered. "They're watching."
Hearing this, Lingyi instantly snaked her arms around his neck, pushing her own body further into his, which abruptly made a grunt slip from Qiao Zeyan's throat. She leaned her head into his shoulder until his breath was tickling her collarbone. "How long do we have to stay like this?" she asked, feeling her heart thumping through her chest.
"Almost," he replied bluntly, large hands clutching her hips.
Fang Lingyi didn't make another sound for what seemed like forever, and as soon as he had the chance, Qiao Zeyan pulled away. Before she could get a word in, he was already heading for the bar next to them where a bartender was filling a line of cups with amber liquid. One brief glance at Qiao Zeyan told Lingyi every thought running through his head.
He was beyond irritated.
She didn't have time to stop him, the rash and reckless CEO alreadly finishing off a glass and beckoning the young boy behind the counter to send him another.
She hurried up to him, grabbing ahold of his forearm, his muscles tight. "Zeyan," she coaxed, "you know you shouldn't be drinking." He didn't shake away her hand, but he didn't listen either, passing away another empty glass.
The next one that touched his lips made Lingyi lift up her hand and snatch it from him, slamming it to the counter. Witnessing this, the bartender scooted away, leaving the two of them alone in the spotlight of half a dozen fairy lights.
"I told you to stop. There are so many people around and more guests to greet. You know your tolerance isn't the best and the last thing we need tonight is you getting drunk," she lectured.
But he wasn't paying attention anymore, gazing down at her lips, his face a faded light pink from the heat. There was an unfathomable gleam in his eyes, strengthening when he moved closer and closer to her until her back was crushed firmly against the counter. Even if it had only been a few glasses of alcohol, he was already red and burning.
"Fang Lingyi," he muttered underneath his breath, a shallow, husky laugh escaping from him soon after. "Why?"
"Why what?" she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder to stabilize him. "Qiao Zeyan?"
But he'd already fallen hopelessly drunk, heaving as his head rested limpy in the crook of her neck, whispering her name one last time before he passed out in her arms.