Ocean - Another Awkward Night




I had competed in seven total events throughout the day and it left me feeling more than exhausted. It wasn't the swimming that got to me. That was the easy part. It had been all the waiting around and the bureaucracy of it all.

All day we had to wait for all the events to be set up and then all the heats to be completed one after the other. There were so many people competing in the tournament that it took from nine thirty in the morning until almost nine at night for it to all be done.

The venue provided us with a really good lunch and there were snacks provided for all the swimmers so that we could keep our stamina up and didn't feel a dip throughout the day. I just don't think they took into account that there were people who ate like me. Well, me and Makai. The two of us were probably the only ones who were feeling so damn miserable by the time that we left tonight.