Ocean – Ryan’s Revelation




"I understood exactly what it all meant." Ben was not holding anything back now. He had opened the dam and it was all flooding out.

"No, you don't! You don't get it at all." Ryan was sounding angry again, just like last time. Only this time, it sounded like he was angry for a different reason.

"Then what, Ryan, what did you mean by all of that? If you don't hate the sight of me, if you're not appalled by me, then what? What kept you away from me all week? Why can't we even be friends anymore?"

Ben was huffing, his breathing heaving and irregular after he yelled at Ryan. I think that he needed to vent some of those feelings and get them off of his chest. He had been holding them all this entire time. If he didn't vent them some time, then he was likely to explode at the wrong time at the wrong person. At least the object of his frustrations was here right now so he could point them in the right direction while venting right now.