Makai – Proposing An Idea




Thankfully, by the end of the talk with his siblings, Ocean was feeling a lot better. He wasn't quite as mad as he had been when he first got out of the trunk of his car at least.

Alright, alright, I admit that was not the best idea in the world. But what can I say? His siblings are very convincing. They told me that Ocean would get a kick out of it and that it would be a big laugh. I thought that it would be a nice way for him to break some of the tension that he had been feeling lately.

However, I hadn't taken into consideration that he might think that it was someone actually trying to hurt him. He told me all of the things that were running through his head during that time, and it just made me feel so guilty and heartbroken. I was mad at myself for having agreed to that plan in the first place.