Ocean – Graduation Party Part 5




It took a little while for the yelling and chanting to stop. The other party goers were supporting us by telling those with closed minds to leave us all alone. Once the yelling and chanting did stop though, the party was able to get back into full swing. There were several people that were coming over to me, Makai, Ben and Ryan so that they could congratulate us. They were telling us that they were happy for us and that they wanted us to know that they would love to come to the wedding. There were a lot of people that were excited to see me and Makai get married, friends and family both. But there were just as many people for Ben and Ryan. They had aunts, uncles, cousins and their grandparents all telling them that they were happy and proud of them. I knew that it was making them feel better, and that this would be able to help them.