Book 2- Chapter 87- Ocean – What Is To Come




"Ocean, it's not what you think." I watched as Makai reached toward me. He was lying to me, but he was trying to act like nothing was wrong.

"Why are you lying to me, Makai? What happened? What is going on?" I felt an ache in my chest. Something that I never felt before. Makai had never lied to me like this. He had hidden that he was the stripper at my bachelor's party, but that was the extent of him hiding things from me. I knew when he was being deceitful with me, and that was part of the reason that he didn't lie to me. Now though, he was hiding something, and I didn't know why.

"Ocean, I am not lying. Mom did ask about tonight." He was still trying to get away with it.

"Makai, that's-."