Book 2 - Chapter 192- Makai – Settling into New Roles




Ocean and I had a lot to settle into with our new roles. We went from just the two of us to a family of five within the span of three days. We had the boys, who we had cared for during those three days, and then we added Rei. Even though she was mostly as calm as the boys were, it was a little hard to add another baby to the mix.

In the beginning, Ocean and I welcomed the help from our families. My parents still had a lot of work to do, and so did Ocean's dad, Phineas, but Steph and Hudson were able to come to the house a lot and help. And on top of them, Ben, Ryan, Derek, Deliah and Julie came when they weren't busy. Grantham, being the primary earner for his family, came on weekends with his wife and children. I liked the fact that Kenna was so close in age to our children as well. When they got older, they would all be able to play together.