Chapter six

Irritated by the sun shining through my curtains, I opened my eyes realizing I don't know where I am. This wasn't my room. It isn't Allison's either. Where in hel was I? Was I kidnapped? With all this running through my brain, trying to remember until it hit me like a ton of bricks. What happened last night. The last thought is Jason. I could feel my heart beating faster with just the thought of him. There was a sudden sound that had me jumping and falling of the bed. When my my face it the flour, the door open revealing Jake.

Him seeing me in the awkward position on the floor, made him freeze a few seconds. When I looked up at him with a huff coming out my mouth, he started laughing hysterically. This caused him to fall slowly to the floor, still laughing his butt off. The next moment Jason came towards the door, revealing a worried face. Once he saw the scene of us, he cracked a smile and laughed lightly along with Jake. After I realized how funny it may have looked when Jake walked in and found me. I just smiled and thought of what he might have seen when he walked in.

After Jakes laughing period ended he stood up, made his way over to me and helped me up. Asking me if I was alright and if there is anything wrong with my stiches. I shook my head at him and smiled. Thinking back to when we were younger. He used to smile so much, it was contagious and positivity flew through him. Now he had this brooding, darkness hanging around him. Like it was slowly consuming him. I looked deep into his eyes and saw a sparkling of light in them. I pulled him into a warm embrace and hold on to him like my life depended on it.

Silence took over as we stood there holding each other. It felt like the old Jake, MY Jake. Not the one he had become. He kissed my hair like he always does and whispered "Te amo hermana, siempre." I smiled and said "And I you hermano, always." into his chest. And like the old days Jason ruined our beautiful, cute sibling moment. "O, what a joyful day. A sibling moment. I should have captured it, so we'll remember it." he said in n loud booming voice. Clapping his hands together like a little kid.

Making a sound of disappointment, Jake let go off me and turned towards Jace giving him a murderous look. They locked eyes and started running like little kids. Me chasing afterwards to make sure this was just a game. I followed the loud noice and a voice yelling that the other should stop. Once reaching the room, it revealed the two wrestling on the floor of the living room. With Jake onto, yelling give up, you should do so as I'm immortal.. There was a longer moment of silence until Jase and me burst out laughing at what was said. Later in our laughing fits Jake joined in and fell on his side.

This was probably the never ending day of us laughing our butts of. When we calmed down and just catching our breath Jason asked " You guys hungry, because you both know I'm starving. The neighbours probably think it's an lions stomach making all that noise. You wanna go eat out or should we make breakfast?" His eyes never leaving my body. In a way it made me feel good, but my feminine side was saying something totally different. Maybe I was just over thinking this, maybe his gaze doesn't linger on me. Jake's laughter woke me out of my taughts. They both were looking at me, seeing that I haven't been listening to the conversation.

"While you were off in la la land, we decided that we're going out to eat and not make a mess in the kitchen. So hermana go get your ugly butt ready. I left you some clothes to wear in the room you slept in. It's not what you'd wear, but its clothes." Jake said to me. I smiled sweetly at the both of them and went to get ready. Getting the clothes, my phone and walking into the bathroom. Once the door was closed I started my search for a spare toothbrush and towels. Finding it in a cupboard I brushed the night before away from my mouth. I put on music for my shower and turned towards the shower, I opened the door and the hot water to let it run first. Removing my clothes and hopping in to do my wash routine.

Taking up to 30 minutes in the shower to get everything done, I finally stepped out of the shower and got a towel for my hair and body. As I was about to let go of the towel and start to get dressed, the door opened. I turned so quickly I could have had whiplash. There stood Jason in just a towel and some clothes in his hands. I soaked in his gorgeous body, not realizing I was staring for to long. He definitely did notice, it may even have given him a confidence boost. He smirked at me, looked me up and down then bit his lower lip. The words what were about to fall out his mouth might not be good. "Like what your seeing bebita, because I know I am. What i wouldn't do to see you without that towel right now, or you beneath me." he spoke calmly.

My head lifted up, eyes widening at the words leaving his mouth. This is probably not a good idea to be in here to long with him. When no words left my mouth he placed his clothes on the counter and moved closer towards me. I moved backwards with each step he took closer to me. My back hit the cupboard and him right in front of me. I swallowed hard, knowing my heart and voice would betray me if it were to come to one of them. He looked in my eyes, bit his lip and leaned closer to my ear. His breathing sending shivers down my back and straight to my womanhood. "Fuck Macey, how couldn't I be attracted to you? Your body, personality, eyes that speak so many words to me, lips, laugh, smile and your feisty side. Your driving me crazy and I can't stop thinking about you, the kiss, your closeness to me. I want to show you so bad what I want to do to this sinful body of yours and see you come undone with my name on your lips."he said in his sexy husky voice.