At the Restaurant

" I chose this Genetic Research so that I can help the future generation, I don't want them to have an incomplete development of their genes while they are still in a womb of their mother, to simplify , I don't want them to have a the same fate as mine because living in this unpredictable world with incomplete senses is very hard, very hard in so many ways such as: in associating with other people and being in total darkness of sight, I also promised to myself to do well and work hard on my studies so that I will be an effective Genetic Researcher in the future because I want to research all the problem of Genes Development and find cure for that problems in that way I can lessen the probability of the newborn babies having problems with the development of their genes", he replied to me in a very detailed way.

" I see and I like your eagerness to help the needy ones and I do believe also that you can make that into a great advocacy and speaking of doing the advocacy you can always count on me", I replied to him.

" Thank you, you flattered me but what about you?, why did you chose to study Medicine majoring in heart surgery?", he asked me back.

" Ahmm, well for me, to be honest I am aspiring to become the world's number one heart surgeon ( I stopped for a bit and smiled at him), I know that I am so idealistic but for me as a person, if I have a goal and dream in life it should not just be in my mind but rather I will work hard for it and turn that dream and goal into reality. Well in fact, there is this one reason that pushed me to study medicine and that reason is my father", I replied to him.

" I can see also how persevere you are in terms of achieving dreams and goals in life but if you don't mind asking, may I know what happened to your father?", he proactively said and asked that to me.

" My father already passed away a year ago, he suffered a heart disease for 3 years without letting us know and the most painful part is when we knew about his condition that time it was already uncurable to the point that he had only 5 months to live, within that 5 months were the most happiest moments of my life as well as the most heartbreaking part ( tears are starting to fall down from my eyes and I cannot stop it and just continue telling my story), since I was born my father and mother were already divorced meaning they are not together already, I was raised solely by my father while my mother has her own family but never in my entire life I planted hatred to my mother in my heart because she made me understand their situation of my father and my father also never said bad things about my mother it's just that they accept their fate, their fate to be with anybody else and the fate that they are not meant for each other. One month before my father passed away we had a hope, a hope that my father will prolong his life because of the new invention of the famous doctor, we tried every means to contact that famous doctor and luckily we abled to contact and meet with the famous doctor, we shared to him the condition of my father including that he only have one month to live but during our sincere and very heartfelt conversation a very rich woman with golds over her body as jewelries showed up and stole the attention of this famous doctor from us, few minutes later, the doctor came back to us and said " I am sorry to hear about the condition of your father Ms. Scott but let me tell you something that my new invention can only be used by one patient and to be direct with you we already found the patient where my new invention will be utilized, please excuse me because I have an appointment with the relatives of the said patient and nice to meet you also", he quickly ran away towards the relatives of that patient. At that time me and my mother knew that we are the first one who made an appointment with him however because of the very rich woman he just abandoned us easily which is very painful in our part of my mother. " Let us go home dear, we cannot do something about it because he already made his choice", my mother said to me with tears flowing from her eyes.

One month later, my father passed away while he was leaning on my shoulder, may last words for my father is " I promise to you dad that I will be world's famous heart surgeon and I also promised toyou that I will find that rich woman who stole the only hope of prolonging your life and asked her why did she do that"(tears flowing fast from my eyes)", I explained to him sincerely,

" I am very sorry to hear that life-learning experience of yours Francine", he replied to me at the same time he handed me a handkerchief to wipe out my tears.

" Thank you (with tears flowing from eyes)", I said to him.

" We are here already!", he said to me with a very smiling face.

We already arrived at the place where he will treat me a lunch. I was very amazed because it is very luxurious, even if the sun is so bright that day when we went inside the restaurant, I felt like I am standing on a starry night sky.

" Sir Mark, welcome to our humble Starry Night Restaurant, please follow me", the waiter welcomed us with a smiling face and he also lead us the way to our table.

" How come that you are walking like a normal person even if you are blind", I whispered to Mark.

" Instead of using my sight, I studied for 7 years to use my feelings, instinct and intuition in order to do my daily living like a normal person and I must admit that during the first couple of years studying these things I almost committed suicide but an angel whispered to me that I must endure the hardships that life gave to me because in the end of every hardship is a sweet success and here I am today talking to you after completing all the course for 7 years", he explained to confidently.

" Woah!, I never thought that it would be possible for a blind person to live and act like a normal one, you are so great!", I complimented him in an exclaimed way with a smiling face.

He smiled back at me.

" This is now your table Mr.Mark, just ring the bell on the table when you are ready to order and always feel at home", the waiter said to him.

" Thank you so much", Mark replied to him.

"Please excuse me sir and by the way sir Mark you have a very exotic and head turner girlfriend", the waiter added.

" You are wrong she is my schoolmate", Mark answered.

At that time, I was thinking if the waiter insulted or complimentedme but anyways before he walked away he gave me smile and I responded to him a fake smile because I don't know what he really meant when he said that things about me.

After that, Mark assisted me to take a sit. "Thank you", I said to him and he smiled back as a response.

While we are eating, Ringggg ( his phone is ringing), "Excuse me I have to answer this", he said.

"Go ahead, it might be important", I answered to him.

After a few minutes, he came back to our table.

"Is it important Mark?, if it is important then we can go back so that you can take care of it?", I said that to him.

"Not so important Francine, just continue eating and finish your food because it was just my cousin he asked me if where I am so that he can come over here because he has an important thing to talk and to consult with me", he replied to me.

To be continued...