The Army

I was very shocked staring at my brother's corpse while tears flowing fast from my eyes.

" If you don't want to have the same fate with this hard-headed boy (he pointed to my brother's corpse) just follow the things that I will command to all of you!", the leader of the group of armed men shouted to all of us.

" You two ( pointed to his underlings) search the 2nd floor and get all the valuable things there especially the cash while you three (he pointed to the remaining underlings of him) stay here and guard these unlucky people ( he referred to us)", he added.

A couple of hours later.

" Sir, we already got all the valuable items in this mansion including the cash in their secret vault", one of his underlings informed him ( the leader of the group).

" That is great to hear! , ha ha ha ha", the leader of the group shouted horribly.

" What are we going to do with these unlucky people ( he is referring to us, my family)?", one of his underlings asked him.

" Just kill them all and before leaving this bloody mansion double-check if all of them are dead! Hahaha", he commanded his people.

Without any doubt, they really stabbed us one by one, they cut my legs and I fainted.

They double-checked every corpse (including my fainted body) of my family members to assure that we are all dead. After checking the corpses, they immediately head their way out without knowing that I just fainted and I am not dead yet.

On that very rainy and tragic evening eleven years ago, my mother, my father, my three brothers, my two sisters, and my grandparents were all assassinated (Meriam's tears flowing fast from her eyes), as for me, my life at that time was really hanging on a thread. I was able to crawl to the muddy outside of our house and luckily a concerned and kind-hearted neighbor helped me.

I was in a coma for seven days and when I woke up, the corpses of my family were already buried. At that moment in my life, I really don't know what to do, where to go, and how to face this uncertain world once again.

I ran away using my wheelchair from my neighbor until I reached a very lonely and deserted place with no one living there.

" Why is it happening to me?", I shouted furiously while crying with a bucket of tears flowing from my eyes.

I found a broken glass beside me and I tried to commit suicide using that broken glass I found.

" I don't think that you will be able to give justice to the people you love, your family indeed", a very masculine-shaped body and a tall man approached and said to me.

" By the way, I am Lieutenant Jay Croce of the New York Police Department and I am the one who is in charge of the tragic crime that you and your family experienced. You don't need to worry because I will do my very best in investigating this case to catch the culprit", he sincerely said to me.

I was not hopeless anymore when I heard those words from Lieutenant Jay Croce.

" I want to help you sir to catch the culprit, the culprit has a dragon-figured tattoo on his right arm", I proactively said to Lieutenant Croce.

" I will let you help me in solving this case but I will bring you first to a specialist of leg surgery so that you can have artificial legs that you can use in the future and after the successful operation of your legs, I will bring you to Universal University located on a deserted island. If you really want to help in catching the culprit, you have to enroll yourself in a Police department major in crime investigation and with regards to all the expenses of the school, your daily allowance, books, dormitory fees, and other necessary fees do not worry because I will pay them all and in return, I want you to focus on your studies so that in the future you will become an effective, responsible, reliable, and most importantly an inspiration to a lot of homeless teens in the world", he explained to me in a very detailed way.

I immediately agreed and trust him with the things that he said to me.

On the next day, he brought me to a specialist as he promised and it was a successful operation indeed.

One month later after my successful surgery, he brought me here to Heroine Island to study at this Universal University as we agreed. That is the story of your classmate named Meriam Burgin and I am very pleased to meet all of you", Meriam cried and smiled at the same time after telling her very tragic yet inspirational life story.

All of us in the classroom also cried after hearing that tragic story of our classmate.

We all stood up, " Fighting Meriam!", we cheered these words to Meriam altogether.

" You did a great job Ms. Burgin", Teacher Wila praised Meriam.

" Ma'am, I am very sorry if I am late because I had a very hard time finding this classroom", Drake inserted and apologized to Teacher Wila while standing in the doorway.

" You can get inside, for now, I will give you a chance for today because it is our first session but just to remind you, young boy, what I hate the most are the students who are consistent on being late", Teacher Wila replied.

" Since you are late, you will introduce yourself right now here in front to compensate for the negative behavior that you showed to me on our first session", Teacher Wila added and she let Meriam go back to her place.

Drake immediately went to the front of the class.

" Hi everyone (he smiled) (In all fairness, I must admit that he is handsome- at the back of my mind), I am Drake Hendrix, I enrolled in Army Management and I am a freshman. Nice to meet you all", he introduced himself in a very fast manner.

To be continued...