
''So that means we are accepted?'' The black haired boy asked with a bright smile.

''Ofcourse you-" Sam started off only to be cut off by Jake.

''That depends on my Ivy.''

Hearing Jake use the word 'my' when pointing out Ivy made Lyle feel slightly uncomfortable which he himself didn't realize very well.

''Ivy, can we join your group?'' This time, the person who asked was Lyle and he had on that sweet smile on which Ivy immediately interpreted as an annoying one. However she had an image to protect.

''Let's start w-with introductions t-then.'' 'I don't want to know this catastrophe.' Ivy screamed the later part in her mind as she pasted in that shy look.

''I don't think that's necessary-'' The black haired boy started before being cut of by Ivy.

''We don't know the two of you.'' Seeing everyone give her weird looks, Ivy thought that it's because Sam knew so she changed her words into 'Jake and I' but somehow she still received that look. On top of that, this weird boy's gaze really made her feel uncomfortable. As if he could see right through her. It was really unnerving.

Finally, with no other option, Ivy sheepishly accepted that it was her who didn't know the two of them. ''Fine, it's me who doesn't know the two of you. And I think you guys also won't like me calling you with the colour of your clothes right? So why not introduce?''

At this moment, Sam took back the words she said earlier. She should have said, 'The dream of every girl except Ivy, in West High.' And why didn't it seem surprising to her that Ivy actually didn't know the name of the hottest boy n school? It should have been surprising if it had been someone else. Well that just proves Ivy is one of a kind.

But though Jake and Sam didn't seem surprised, the same couldn't be said about the other two. The black haired boy in particular felt that this was a huge discovery. His friend, the hunk, Lyle, was actually not noticed by someone. Throughout his entire life, there hasn't been one person who didn't notice Lyle and now out comes this strange girl who actually didn't. That's brilliant. At least there is someone who is not affected by his charms.

Even Lyle felt a little weird when heard that she doesn't know his name. Atleast she has to have heard if him right? Even Sam had an outburst earlier. But the next words of Sam got all his 'reasonings' washed down the drain.

''Please don't mind that. It's just that she takes a little longer remembering names and faces. Just give her some time.''

''So that means that even if we are to introduce right now, she would forget?''

Seeing the sheepish smile on both Sam and Ivy's face, they got the answer wordlessly.

''Well, it's alright. Just try to remember mine. His is not necessary. I'm Owen Smith. You can just call me Owen. and he is-" The black haired boy introduced himself first and wanted to introduce Lyle as well since he thought Lyle might feel a little uncomfortable as he usually doesn't do much introductions except in the beginning of a new school or a speech but was cut off by the person he wanted to help.

''Lyle.'' That short and crude way to introduce was really like him.