16. Appetizing

''Don't worry. I won't give you the chance.'' Lyle solemnly said.

''What the hell guys. Are you trying to run? Avi, you are supposed to wait by the counter to pay.''

Ivy said as she poped her head out if the convenience store.

''If I want to run, will you let me?'' Avi asked with a bright smile as if the person threatening Lyle wasn't him.

''Yeah right. Keep dreaming.'' Ivy said as she pulled Avi by his neck. ofcourse she had to stand on her tippy toe for that.

''My God. You elephant, is this really just for you?'' Avi acted surprised as he looked at the huge bags of edibles placed at the counter. Beside that were two relatively smaller bags of edibles.

''Shut up you rat. Why are you being such a drama queen?''


They had their meal at Ivy's place that night. While Lyle and Avi took out two cup noodles and a bitter of juice each, Ivy took out five different cup noodles, three different juices, two bags of chips, two tubs of ice cream, few bottles of different types of sauce and finally chocolates.

''Are you sure you are going to eat this all right now?'' Avi feigning shock.

''Oh really? You are going to keep up with this act. Alright then. Let's see till when you can continue it. Don't end up slaping your own face. Don't think you are going to get any leeway.'' Ivy threatened both Lyle and Avi shutting them up completely.

And so within an hour or so, only plastics and bottles remained on the table as well as three stuffed people and two pups.

''It's only when I eat with this elephant that I eat like this.'' Avi said as he patted his stomach.

''I feel you bro.'' Lyle seconded Avi's words.

It was as if when they were with Ivy that their stomach opens a hidden chamber. The more they watch her eat, the more they feel that they want to eat more. Watching her eat is really appetizing.

''Atleast you guys feel yogur stomach is full when you eat with me. Or else the amount that you eat wouldn't even fill my baby's stomach. Right Chummy, Gummy?''

As if understanding what Ivy said, the two pups barked once in response.

''See? even they agree.'' Ivy said scooping them both in for a hug.

''Twiney, your brain sure works different. Other teachers their dogs to fetch, sit, roll, etcetera, etcetera. But you? You taught them to beg. I salute your way of thinking and thank God for not creating someone else like you.'' Avi said solemnly, even doing that saluting gesture.

''What do you know? They have to learn survival skills before anything else. And the rest, who says that mu babies don't know how to do such simple things? Heh just watch. Chummy, Gummy, Bang.''

As soon as Ivy said 'bang', the two pups dropped on the ground flat with their tiny pink tongues out.

And so the night was ended with Ivy showing Avi and Lyle the different tricks that the pups can do.