18. Pictures

''Ivy, wake up. Let's go. You promised you would take me for a tour. It's already 9 a.m now. Get up...' Avi shouted as he shook Ivy who was still sleeping soundly.

''Avi. It's still 9 a.m. Let me sleep five more minutes please.'' Ivy said as she snuggled more into the blanket.

''You wish. Get up now.'' Avi shouted as he snatched the blanket off Ivy's body.

And so, though unwilling, Ivy had no choice but to get up, freshen up and get ready for the day she promised Avi.

''Let's go lets go.'' Avid urged Ivy to hurry while Chummy and Gummy circled around Ivy's legs while wagging their almost non-existent tails.

''Hold on guys. Let me atleast close the door.''

The whole day, Avi and Ivy spent hanging out at scenic spots and tourist spots while carrying a pup each.

''This has one of the best cakes in the city. Come let's try some.'' Ivy said as she pulled him inside a well decorated Cafe. The Cafe had baby pink walls with some cute and colourful paintings hanging on the wall. The table was made of wood and it was painted white with soft pink cushioned chairs.

''What would you like to have Sir and Madam?'' The waitress asked after Ivy and Avi settled themselves.

''We would like a strawberry cheese cake, a vanilla cake, a chocolate cake and two chocolate shakes. Thank you.'' Li Zhilan ordered according to their taste.

When the waitress arrived, Ivy quickly took a tissue to feed the pups but was stopped by the waitress's voice.

''There is no need for that. The pups can eat directly from this plate. We specifically brought these paw printed plates for them. And since you always feed them vanilla cakes when you come here, we took the liberty to guess that it's for the pups and placed it on this plate. I hope we didn't make a mistake.''

And true to her words, the plate which held the vanilla cake really did have a pink paw printed on it.

''Ofcourse not. Infact, this is perfect. Now I don't have to worry about them eating up the tissue by mistake. Thank you.'' Ivy said with a bright smile making the waitress also smile.

''Thats great then. Oh and we are also going to launch out dog caked next week. I hope we would see you and your pups then.'' The waitress said as she patted the two pups.

''Great. That way I don't have to worry about my pups food much. We'll see eachother next week then.''

''So you have been here before?'' Avi asked after the waitress went away as he noticed that the waitress seemed familiar with Ivy and the pups as she also patted the pup's head lightly.

''Not too often. Just once in a while.''

''If you say so. Here try this. It's delicious.'' Avi said as he brought a small piece of his strawberry cheese cake towards Ivy's mouth who very naturally ate it.

''You should also try this. It's yum.'' Ivy said scooping a piece of her Chocolate cake and feeding it to Avi. The two were bussy sharing their cakes that they failed to notice a person taking pictures of them not far away.