48. End of flash back

When Mrs Gracia arrived at the hospital, Avi was still unconscious. Beside him were Ivy and Skylar who were just sitting there.

''What happened to him? Why is he in such a condition?'' Mrs Gracia immediately asked seeing Avi's unconscious state.

''It was my fault. I-"

''You... How may time did I tell you not to do such things. Did I not tell you to be a good child and study? But what did you do? All you did was run around and fight. All you did was play those damned games and come back hurt? It was all fine when you were the only one hurt but what now? Look at the state your brother is in. Don't you know that he has a weak physic? Why are you also bring trouble to your good brother? You not only create troubles for yourself but also for your brother. What do you want him to do? Die? Do you want to kill him? Or you want to kill us? Do want to see all of us dea-"

''Don't cross the line Mrs Gracia. You can't talk to her that way. That person lost a basketball duel to her so he opted such methods. She never went to find troubles ever but only joined it to defend herself. If she hadn't beaten others, they would have beaten her. Instead of thinking what she is doing, shouldn't you evaluate what you are doing? You know how she is. Don't you know that she isn't the brainy one among the twins? Do you want to kill her dreams? Isn't that the same as ki-'' Skylar couldn't help but lash out when she heard Mrs Gracia's words but was stopped by Ivy's angered voice.

''You can't talk to her like that.''

''What do you mean I can't talk to her like that. Do you want me to be courteous when she is taking shit like a shre-"

''Skylar. She is my mom.''

''So what if she is your mom. She doesn't have the right to crush you like this. She-"

''Get out of here.''



''You will regret this.'' Skylar warned Mrs Gracia with her face flushed in anger. Even her eyes had turned red when she said that.


After that day, Ivy left her club and even avoided Skylar. She had turned around 180 degrees. She no longer ran out. She no longer came home with wounds. She stayed home and studied. She didn't even sleep well at night. Though Mrs Gracia got what she wanted, she didn't feel happy.

For a few days, Mrs Gracia tried to brainwash herself thinking that this is what she wanted. An obedient daughter. A studious daughter who didn't create troubles outside. Who didn't play traunt. A well behaved daughter who dies everything well and has her mind on studying. But she realized she could no longer brainwash herself. The house no loner held laughter and happiness. There was a blanket of seriousness covering the entire house. There was no one who would make her angry and then appease her again. There was no one who would make her so angry that she felt like killing someone one minute and the next, make her so happy that she would forget about her anger. She had lost her fun-loving ever happy girl. Her childish but lovable daughter.

At that moment, Skylar's voice rang in her ears. She regretted it. She regretted it immensely. She wants her happy baby girl back. She doesn't want this emotionless studious girl.