72. Too scared to come

In the basketball court.

The court was filled to the brim. The seats were all taken as well as the resting spot and other spots which were generally left empty during the official matches as a pathway or for some other miscellaneous stuffs.

At this moment, the court looked like a mini concert hall of a popular singer. People were squeezed in as much as they could.

Afterwiting for almost ten minutes, this mass of people started to talk and with everyone talking, the noise was not less then a bussy fish market if not more.

''Eh... Is Ivy not coming? Is she giving up without even trying?''

''Ofcourse she wouldn't come. She would be an idiot to come just because of a small challenge. Don't forget, she is spherophobic. How can she play basketball if she can't even stand the sight of a ball.''

''That seems logical but still. Someone shw considered a friend stabbed her in her back and even tarnished her reputation. Truth be told, I wouldn't be able to stand it and would fight for justice.''

''Yeah. Me too. I also wouldn't b able to take that lying down. To he betrayed by a friend. That's the worst feeling ever. Claire looks so sweet but she's actually... *sigh* I can't even find a word to describe my disappointment. I mean, look at her. She doesn't even seem to feel apologetic.''

As soon as the person said this, everyone around her turned to look at Clair. As if it had given rise to a chain reaction, everyone turned to look at Clair.

Thre in the center of the court, she stood tall and cold. Her entire being gave a cold vibe. It was as if there was a dark mist surrounding her.

She was clearly ready for the match as she had her hair braided right from the roots tightly from both sides. Then it was tied together in a high pony tail. She had even changed her clothes to a dark blue basketball jersey.

If one ignored that vicious expression on her face, Clair really did look good. With her height of about 175 cm and thin but muscular built, she looked very nice in that jersey.

But her character made everyone look at her scornfully.

So what if she was beautiful. Her character overshadows her entire being.

Behind this thought were undoubtedly countless jealous people. Afterall, everyone wants to pull down those who were better than themselves.

Even if it was a small fault, one's face has the ability to either magnify or subdue their fault if they manage to use it well, that is.

At this moment, under the scrutinizing gazes of countless eyes, Clair wasn't as calm as she made it out to be. Her palms were already sweating due to discomfort but she forced herself to remain calm. She can't let people see her in a sorry state. That would be a huge blow to her pride.

''Is someone too scared to come or are you admitting defea-"

''What's the rush...''