The Massive Explosion

The sound of bang kept reverberating through the entire bunker like it was about to get blown to pieces. Aroon ran with all his might, trying to get to Cheryl as fast as he could.

He didn't even hesitate to activate his netvor and use his boost to catch up to her.

And in less than one minute he already spotted a body shadow in the middle of the tunnel.

"Cheryl," he couldn't help but mutter in a low tone while stopping in front of her. Her body arched on the ground, giving the impression of being a small girl at the moment.

A girl that was shattered out of deep pain and broken heart.

He gazed up at her without knowing what to say. He wanted to say something to make her feel much better, something to ease her pain and drive it away.

He didn't mean to harm her in this way, it was all a bad coincidence. However he couldn't say a single word for a long minute even when he opened his mouth.
