Mt. Moon and getting new members

Lucas wakes up and gets fresh himself. He take his Pokemons from Nurse Joy. He comes out from the pokemon center and leaves for Cerulean city.

He reaches the forest and goes towards Mt. Moon. He heard from the people that there is wild Rhyhorn living in the Mt. Moon. Many trainers tried to catch but they couldn't. So he decided to capture that Rhyhorn as it will be good for his team.

He reaches Mt. Moon and searches for the Rhyhorn. After 10 minutes later, he found the Rhyhorn and he got surprised due to its size. He used his magic and checked that this Rhyhorn is very strong and has good potential. Lucas got excited to capture it. He brings out a pokeball and releases his Gyarados.

Lucas-" Gyarados use Hydro pump on that Rhyhorn".

Gyarados fires a jet of water which hits Rhyhorn. After that attack, Rhyhorn stood still and grunted in pain. Lucas got impressed with Rhyhorn. But he decided to end the battle.

Lucas-"Gyarados use another Hydro pump to finish it off".

Gyarados fires another Hydro pump at Rhyhorn which was very powerful than the previous one. It was so powerful that it defeated Rhyhorn.

Seeing this, Lucas took the opportunity and brings out a great ball and throws it at Rhyhorn.

The great ball capture Rhyhorn and ball started to shake. After few seconds later, the ball stops shaking and captures successfully.

Lucas took the great ball and put it with other pokeballs. During the battle, he felt someone was watching him.

Lucas-"You can come out I won't hurt you".

Then an Abra teleports infront of him. He surprised to see an Abra in front of him. He decided to ask something.

Lucas-"Are you watching me?".

Abra nods his head. Lucas thought to catch Abra as it will be good for his team. He then as asks.

Lucas-"Abra I want to be a pokemon master. Do you want to join me?"

Abra thought for few seconds. Then he accepts to join Lucas's team because he wants to be a powerful Alakazam. Lucas brings out a pokeball and taps it at Abra's head which successfully captures it.

Lucas-"Well that something happened good. Today I got two new pokemons".

He returns Gyarados and continues his journey. He search for any other pokemons to catch. But none of them get his interest. He got some moon stones in his way and collected them. He got out of Mt.Moon and made his way to Cerulean city.