Moving Out

Mo Yun frowned slightly, Mo Li was not the kind of person who would bring her friend home. Furthermore, Mo Yun knew all the children of the powerful families at Pearl River but he had not seen this girl behind Mo Li before.

Along the way home, inside the car, Lin Fei said nothing, but she kept stealing glances at Mo Li and Mo Yun. 

When they reached home, Mo Li explained since Lin Fei was technically her guest, "She was bullied because of me at school." Mo Yun didn't say anything but turn to his study because he understood the girl needed to change. After Lin Fei was done changing, Mo Yun walked out and thought to walk Lin Fei to the door as a good host. However to his surprise, Mo Li asked Lin Fei to stay for dinner. Mo Yun looked at her strangely. Normally Mo Li wouldn't even say a word to them on the dinner table, so why was she so friendly around this Lin Fei?