She has Lost her Mind!

"I knew it! Peace will never prevail with that bitch around!" A girl said fiercely.

"Hmph, if I were her parents, I would have slapped some manners into her and chased her out of the house."

"What a vicious and merciless woman. She's a disgrace to the reputation of our school. After all, this school is supposed to be the cradle of future socialites."

The classroom became rowdy with discussion. These so-called future socialites were more like aunties at the wet market. Their every word was directed at Mo Li. They made a lot of snarky comments about Mo Li's appearance. At the end of the day, perhaps they were just jealous of Mo Li's good looks and figure!

The filming of the recruitment video ended. Even Liu Fan was surprised by how photogenic Mo Li was. The video director was obsessed with Mo Li and took more than a handful shots of her. Instead of a recruitment video, the final product was more like Mo Li's personal MV.