The Knight in Shining Car

When the skinny man got close to her, Mo Li pulled her hand out from the bag. She tossed the bag at the man and then turned to run.

Mo Li didn't manage to get too far before the man grabbed her hair. She was surprised he could move so fast. Mo Li's heart chilled. This was a downside of having long hair that she didn't expect. She suddenly missed her short hair from her previous life.

The man grabbed Mo Li by her neck and started to grope her body. 

Mo Li's eyes were calm as she used her elbow to knock into the man's chin. Thankfully this was the skinny man, if it was the larger man, Mo Li wouldn't be able to topple him so easily.

The skinny man staggered back from the hit. His eyes turned from lasciviousness to fierceness. He was never hit by a woman before. He took out a dagger from the back of his waist and approached Mo Li again.