The Internet Rumours

Mo Li blinked vacantly at Mo Yun. She was wearing a nightgown with bunny print.

Mo Yun expected different reactions from Mo Li, be it refusal, acceptance or negotiation but he didn't expect the silent treatment.

Mo Li floated past Mo Yun and placed the plate of strawberry crepe in Mo Yun's hands. Then she went upstairs to her room.

Mo Yun was stumped. For a moment, he didn't know what to do or say. To be honest, he had no idea what came over him to compel him to come to his grandparent's place to demand Mo Li go home with him. Perhaps it was her mother's tears that did him in.

Mo Li's lack of reaction was like a cold water thrown into his face. While disheartening, it also brought some rationality back into Mo Yun's mind.