The Hospital

After that, it was back to routine for Mo Li. Quan Yu and Nie Li were so busy with their work that they didn't show up in Mo Li's life for a long time.

After Mo Li became the face for FM Fashion, her entertainment career skyrocketed. However, her relationship with her family didn't have any improvement. Mo Zheng had no idea how to face Mo Li, should he apologize or... If he really apologized, would Mo Li forgive him? These were all unknowns holding him back.

"Doctor Lu said that he can't save Zheng Er." Jiang Yao sat in the living room and said defeatedly to her husband. Mo Yi and Jiang Yao sighed. They seemed to have forgotten the reason Lu Xuan visited them that day as well as Mo Li's membership in Sacred Heart.

"Then I suppose this is Zheng Er's fate." Mo Yi sighed helplessly.

Mo Yun was flipping through the thesis that Doctor Lu mentioned. He couldn't believe the thesis was written by Mo Li. She had to be a genius to have a brazen idea like this!