The Suspect

Mo Li had just finished school when she saw a familiar face. Ah Si opened the car door and motioned for Mo Li to enter.

Mo Li assumed she would be brought to another autopsy scene so she was surprised to find Quan Yu in the backseat.

"We've found a suspect." Quan Yu looked at Mo Li. Initially he didn't think about involving Mo Li but for some reason, he felt the need to be around her. Soon they arrived at a space under an overpass. This appeared to be where the 'suspect' lived.

"Ah Zhong found a knife here and he believes it matches the wounds on the first victim."

Mo Li made the headcount in her mind, there were so far 3 victims and they were all female.

The first victim was Zhao Jing, she died from drowning. There were various wounds on her body and her stomach was filled with spices.