Canary Diamond

"That is supported by the injury pattern of the victim's head. His mouth cavity has been stretched open, confirmed by the abrasions on the muscles inside the mouth. There are tearing to the skin tissue around the cheeks as well." Hearing that, Ah Si and Ah Zhong swallowed and felt a phantom pain run down their throat.

"The injury pattern inside the mouth cavity fits the shape of a cylinder. Perhaps a piece of wood was placed inside the victim's mouth to keep his mouth and throat open. It is rather cruel." Mo Li sighed. What kind of people had Wu Yong offended that he would have to die like this?

"After he was forced fed the nails, the victim's assailant poured large water down Wu Yong's throat to wash them down. Due to the large quantity of surging water, the water pressure sped up the corrosion of the nails' colloidal alumina binders. It made the nails even sharper, expediting Wu Yong's death."