Send Off

Mo Li looked around the room and the events from yesterday came like a tidal wave. Where's Quan Yu? He's not in the room! Mo Li was overwhelmed by a bad premonition. She cursed him internally. That damned bastard! I've spent so much effort to save him and he got caught just like that?

Mo Li climbed out from bed. She was surprised by how sore her arms were. She lamented the delicate state of her transmigrated body. A heart resuscitation and she couldn't raise her arms anymore. When I go home, I need to focus more on core training. Perhaps some weight lifting too. 

Just as Mo Li considered going out to look for Quan Yu, the door creaked open. She turned and saw the half-naked Quan Yu walk in. He looked vigorous. He half-squatted beside the bed and placed down the tray of food. Even though his arms were slender, his body was wiry and tight. He didn't look as sickly as last night.