Cognitive Trap

Mo Li was not affected by Headmaster Shen's provocation. She continued, "Before we move onto the murderer's identity, we need to solve 3 questions. Question 1, how did Qiao Qing get poisoned? Question 2 is something I have not brought up, what are the paper of numerals I found inside Zhang Ling as well as the trace of burnt paper beside Wei Lan's body? Question 3, why are there human ashes in the uncle's milk teas and are the milk teas really poisonous?"

Xiao Rui looked at Mo Li with amusement, he wanted to know the answers too.

"We'll start with the easiest. How was the poison administered. The information is all there so I won't go into details. I'm sure everyone already knows."

"Actually... I don't..." "Erm... Me too. Can Miss Mo please explain?" Kang Zhi and Si Lin shared a look. Nowadays, even coroner's assistant could solve cases. Their jobs were no longer secure.