Deep Sleep

Ah Ao looked at Lu Ke who was rambling in bed. He was young and thus fired back, "Who do you think you are? How dare you call our young master by his name? Besides, our young master only wants to see Madam Boss now. Plus you just had surgery, so you better stay here."

"How dare you talk to my daughter like that? Do you know who we are?" Lu Hui became agitated once more. he pointed at Ah Ao and said in a reproachful tone. "Do you know that our surname is Lu?"

"Lu? I do know that family but I only know Miss Lu Qin, I haven't heard of any Lu Ke." Ah Ao had stayed with Ah Si for a long time already so he knew basically all the gossips Ah Si knew. Ah Ao had not heard of this woman before so their young master definitely didn't know her.