
Qiao Qing nodded, her face was full of smiles. "Brother Han Xu, don't worry, I will definitely hand these over to Li Li. Her results have improved after you came to tutor her. She had so many tutors before you but they were all useless. You were amazing and managed to get Li Li to focus on her studies. You must have worked hard on Li Li. Thank you!"

After she said that, Qiao Qing felt regretful because Han Xu's expression was not as happy as she hoped. When Han Xu tutored Mo Li, Qiao Qing wasn't in the room with them so she didn't know that Han Xu only gave Mo Li a few papers to do. He didn't really do much tutoring.

"Is that so?" Han Xu smiled bitterly. It is as I expected, Mo Li already knew everything, she was merely unwilling to cooperate with her tutors. No wonder she wasn't paying attention during my tutoring either. She didn't need me to come to teach her.