I Will Pay

As Doctor Zhao prepared to leave, the woman hugged Doctor Zhao's leg even harder. She explained, "Doctor Zhao, no, I didn't mean that. Ah Hong... He's dying. Please, I'm begging you to go take a look at him!"

The woman's hysterics moved the people around her. However, Mo Li realized this was not a long-term solution. This woman and her husband clearly couldn't afford to keep their son at this home. They must have taken out all of their savings to send their son here. If they wanted to employ the services here, they would have to turn to the black market.

"Doctor Zhao, my husband and I are begging you, please save Ah Hong!" The woman pulled at her husband, signaling for him to kneel. The man gave up his pride. He knelt down before Doctor Zhao without any hesitation. When the crowd saw the two kneeling parents, some of them started to speak up for them.

"Doctor Zhao, a good deed leads to good karma. Why don't you help them?"