An Wan's Secret

Mo Li had no idea that she had a huge target on her back because of a man.

The atmosphere at home was depressing too due to Qiao Qing and Mo Zheng. Mo Li missed her grandparent's home. Even though she would quarrel with Mo Yu there, at least the atmosphere there was light and comfortable.

Once she got off the bus, Mo Li walked towards her grandparents' apartment. She usually had a driver so normally she wouldn't need to walk through the large residential area. However, that day, Mo Li felt like strolling.

Suddenly Mo Li felt someone following her. She quickened her pace. To Mo Li's surprise, a ruffian charged out from the side. He raised his palm and aimed to slap Mo Li. Mo Li took out her scalpel when An Wan materialized out of nowhere and kicked the ruffian to the ground.

Mo Li was stunned. An Wan always had this gentle appearance so the sudden kick surprised Mo Li.