Sudden Change

Qiao Qing put on the hat and wig to disguise herself. She stared at the machine and rushed towards it. The sudden collision caught the nurses off guard. Qiao Qing touched something on the machine and uttered in a low voice, "Sorry!" Then she scurried away. What machine would have such tight nobs? Qiao Qing had no idea if she had manipulated any changes.

The chief nurse looked at Qiao Qing and then at the machine. When she saw that the machine was fine, she told the other nurses, "We mustn't let Doctor Lu know about the thing that happened earlier. The machine looks fine to me but if Doctor Lu finds out, we will all lose our jobs!"

The other nurses nodded solemnly. They all agreed to pretend that they didn't see Qiao Qing and pushed the machine into the operating theatre. 

Mo Zheng was told he was only going for a bodycheck, but as he laid down, the anesthesiologist pumped him with gas. Soon, he fell asleep and was pushed into the operating theater.