An Accident

"The operation is over." Mo Li had no idea how much time had passed. Once she relaxed, her body fell backward. She felt dizzy. Lu Xuan gestured for the nurse to hand Mo Li a cup of glucose water. It made Mo Li feel a bit better. Mo Zheng was pushed out from the theater. Looking at the numbers, Mo Li felt even better. She shrugged off the coat. Walking out from the theater, Mo Li ran into Mo Xiao's pale face and Qiao Qing's nervous face.

"He's out! He's out! Hey, don't squeeze!" The fans got excited but the guards still guarded at the door and refused to let them pass.

Seeing this, Lu Xian coughed. "Enough! Do you know where you are? This is the hospital. Mo Zheng is fine now. You can see him after he recovers. He just came out from surgery. If you want him to die, then I will let you in now. But his family will sue you for murder. Don't say I didn't warn you." Lu Xuan's words were unsightly but it was true. Finally, it returned some sense to the fans.