Faulty Brake

Ah Ao stared at Luo Cong's car in disgust and asked, "Should we follow or wait here?"

"Let's follow. We should see how many lives they have considering they have been trying to scheme against other people's lives. Bet they never thought that they'd be schemed against."

It was close to midnight. Luo Cong was driving high speed down an overpass. Lu Ke at the backseat screamed nonstop. "Damn it! Luo Cong, you madman, let me out now! Stop the car! Stop the car now!" Lu Ke was not that courageous. She only dared to do all these things because Lu Qin had given her the green light. Lu Qin told her that no matter what happened, the Lu Family would back her up. Now that she was kidnapped by a drunkard, Lu Ke's bravado was all gone. Seeing as Luo Cong didn't respond to her, Lu Ke could only grab the safety belt and freeze in place.