
Lu Xuan glanced at Kang Zhi. "No wonder you are still a rookie officer. You should pay attention to the various things at the crime scene. Anything could be used to commit a crime. Anything could be a murder weapon. The shape and size of these wounds match the grooves of sliding panels."

Kang Zhi thought about it and gasped. "You're right, I've seen similar panels in the boss' office!"

"Kid, even when your boss was your age, he would have noticed this before I did." Lu Xuan and Kang Zhi went back and forth. Xiao Rui looked at Mo Li. "Other than that, is there anything you can tell from the victim's head wound?"

Mo Li shook her head. The head injury was simple so there was not much they could tell. They checked the victim's neck and hands. Finally, they found something in the victim's mouth. There was a tongue stud. Mo Li carefully removed the stud and examined it. Kang Zhi was quite excited, "My God, this looks expensive! Is that real diamond?!"