The Filming

Mo Li arrived at the set and to her surprise, the director was a bearded man she had not met. Nie Li introduced, "This is Director Peng."

Mo Li greeted the man. However, Mo Li was shocked because she was scolded. She was late for an hour. There was nothing more Director Peng hated than tardiness. For his projects, everyone knew to come early.

"You're Mo Li? Mo Xiao is your brother? I know you have a strong background but you can't do this! Don't be late again!" Mo Li was lectured for ten minutes. She was obedient and took his scolding to heart. This was the first time Mo Li was openly scolded by a director. Thankfully, Director Peng was not that sharp with his words. After all, he still needed to give Mo Xiao and Nie Li face.