Return to the Set

"Don't worry... This is nothing serious. There are often small accidents during filming." Mo Li was quite flustered by Quan Yu's concern. She didn't know what to say.

After taking a look at the time, Quan Yu put down the thermos. He reached out to touch Mo Li but he stopped himself. He looked deeply at Mo Li before he stood up and left.

Mo Li was baffled. What is wrong with this man? Did he come back from the capital just to look at me? For some reason, Mo Li's heart warmed at that thought.

Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard in the corridor. Jiang Yao's voice followed, "Li Li! Are you alright?" Jiang Yao entered the room and sat down beside Mo Li's bed.

"Mom, I'm fine. I left no scar on my face either." Mo Li said softly. Seeing the crying Jiang Yao, Mo Li did not know what to say.