Chapter 180 - A Dance by the Campfire

It was finally the last day of the camping trip and the day that the campfire dance was supposed to happen.

Most of the day went about as normal as the past two days, but everything would be different when the sun fell and night took over.

That was because there would be a large party at night just before the campfire dance.

"So that's why... Please dance with me at the campfire tonight!"

"Eh? Wasn't this supposed to be a given?"

To some people, this would be a heartfelt scene of a guy asking a girl out to dance, but it was something slightly different than many would expect.

The actual scene was Takei asking Akari out to the campfire dance, but she was confused since they were dating and she thought it was something that didn't need to be said.

In short, Takei's way of asking her out to every little thing was a surprisingly traditional way of doing things.

"I still wanted to do it since it would be nice to look back on," Takei embarrassingly muttered.

"Oh okay, I'll play along then!" Akari nodded in understanding. "Let's retry."

They got back into their previous positions and got ready to redo the scenario.

"Miss Akari, would you please dance with me at the campfire dance tonight?"

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Takei."

As expected of the two people who starred in a play, their acting was flawless and natural.

"Oooh oooh! I want to do that too!" Hasebe pointed at the two of them acting.

"Okay. Let's do it too." Ike affirmed.

Even Hasebe and Ike were getting in on the romantic atmosphere that was spreading all throughout the camp grounds.

"Oh yeah I just remembered, we were supposed to have a double date, huh?" Takei scratched his head.

"Huh, I did say something about that I think... Oops!" Hasebe stuck her tongue out. "We got a bit busy and forgot. Sorry sorry, let's reschedule it to some future date~"

"That's fine with me," Takei shrugged.

"I second that," Akari nodded.

With some future plans set, there would be no shortage of romantic moments between the idiot couple.


The time was now seven in the evening and marked the beginning of the party that would celebrate the students' hard work during this camping trip.

Since the students have been working hard for the last couple days, the teachers decided to let them relax tonight.

The teachers helped pay for a catering service from a nearby restaurant and bought tons of food for the students to enjoy.

With music playing and tables of food lined up, the students got into a festive mood as they mingled with their fellow classmates.

"I'm going to gain a lot of weight..." Arisa nervously muttered as she looked at the mountains of delicious food.

"It's okay~ It's okay~ You can come work it off like me," Helena patted her on the back.

"Hey... Some of us aren't athletic machines like you," Rikka complained.

As the girls were complaining about their weights, the guys were doing the exact opposite.

"Oh my god, this food is actually the best thing I've tasted ever in my life," Eiji cried as he stuffed multiple slices of pizza into his mouth.

Ryuto facepalmed as he watched this happen, but he wasn't in the best shape either since his plate was completely filled to the brim with oily and greasy foods. "You should use a napkin or two while you eat your food."

The behavior of the boys and girls in Takei's group were pretty reflective of the behavior of the rest of the class, besides the couples at least.

One could infer from a glance, but there was a special area that was unofficially designated for couples.

"Open your mouth~"


Something along the lines of this was happening to all of the couples, including Takei and Akari.

The specific contents of those conversations will be omitted for the health and safety of the readers.

As the festivities continued on and the night began to grow colder, the teachers finally finished setting up the large campfire in the middle of the area.

"Have fun, kiddos" is what the teachers said as they left to the sidelines to sit back and observe.

Now that it was up to the students' discretion, everyone shoved the food down their throats and rushed to the campfire to start dancing and have a fun time.

The first song was a hip and high-energy song that was similar to EDM.

"Shall we dance?" Takei asked.

"Mhm, will you escort me?" Akari outstretched her hand.

"Of course," Takei said as he grabbed her hand and brought her to the campfire area.

For the next hour, all of the second-year students let go all of the burdens on their shoulders and danced the night away.

It was such a joyous occasion that even some of the teachers joined in on the dancing.

Now that it was approaching the end of the night, the teachers announced that the last song would be a slow song that would be catered towards couples.

With a unanimous nod, all of the couples spread out and allocated enough space between each pair of people.

Once the slow song began to start playing, Takei got on his knee and held out his hand.

"May I?"

"You may."

Skipping the eccentrics, Takei and Akari began slowly dancing to the music.

Compared to when they first danced at that restaurant way back when, the two of them were much more experienced.

They both matched each other's pace perfectly and managed not to step on any of the other person's feet.

Takei wrapped his arm around Akari's waist and held her close as they shared an intimate moment together within a world that no one else could enter.

"You look quite enchanting tonight, did you change something about yourself?" He asked.

"Fufufu, looks like you found out. As expected of my Takei!" Akari pridefully smirked. "I put on a bit more makeup than usual and used a different perfume."

"It smells really good and you look beautiful," Takei praised her. "I sometimes forget that you're my girlfriend because you're just so gorgeous."

"How about I do something to make you always remember then?"

Akari took the dominant position and wrapped her arm around Takei's waist to support him as she bent him over and...


...kissed him on the lips for the whole school to see.

With her mouth covering his, Takei was having trouble breathing, but was still overjoyed to kiss her nonetheless.

Since they were in public, Akari decided to keep the kiss short and sweet so that the public decency rule wouldn't be stretched any thinner than it already was.

"Fuah..." She happily let go of Takei's mouth.

The music ended as they finished their kiss, which left the whole camp to witness their action of love in complete silence.

Oh... Ah... What has Akari done this time...

It was extremely awkward for the both of them to say the least.

Takei and Akari expected to get scolded for what had just happened, but something unexpected happened.


"They did it! They really did it!"

"Kyaaaaa! So dreamy!"

"This is the ultimate power couple!"

All of the students and even the teachers were cheering them on after their heart throbbing act of love.

Takei had his mouth open in shock since he was stunned to see such support from everyone.

To break him out of that shock, Akari grabbed his hand and flashed him a smile worth millions of dollars. "Please keep loving me, okay?"


Even after all this time, Takei still couldn't handle Akari's sudden attacks...

...and that was something that made him happy.

Go Explode! Idiot Couple Meter: 89 -> 100%


They finally blew up from all of that lovey-dovey stuff!

Mwhahahaha, it's gonna be a good year!

Serious-san: Another volume end already?

Sugar-chan: Time flies by fast when you're having fun!

Serious-san: At this rate, they're going to get married before we do!

Sugar-chan: !!!

Serious-san: Right?!

Sugar-chan: Let's go hurry up and get married then!

A/N: Afterword will release later