Chapter 184 - Girlfriend vs Resolve

The sun was beginning to set and night was about to take over the skies, which meant that it was time for the fun double date to end.

"Aw man, it's this late already," Hasebe sadly whimpered.

"It's still a school night and we have school tomorrow," Ike reprimanded her. "Please don't bother them anymore than you already have."

"Eh? I haven't been bothering them at all! Right guys?" Hasebe turned to look at Takei and Akari.

For some odd reason, both of them averted their eyes from her.

"..." Hasebe was speechless to see her own friends betray her.

After a few moments of silence, Hasebe pouted and leaned her cheek on Ike's chest. "Mou... I feel like I'm being bullied."

"Ahahaha... Sorry, we were only joking," Takei said to break up the gloomy atmosphere. "We had a fun time with you two."

"That's right, you weren't a bother at all..." Akari giggled. "...Most of the time."

"W-Wha?! You traitors!" Hasebe gasped half in shock and half-jokingly.

Everyone here was obviously joking and doing a comedy skit, but people who weren't in the know might've perceived the situation differently.

"It is getting late though, we all need to start heading home before it completely dark outside," Takei stated.

"Okay, we're going the opposite direction so we'll see you tomorrow at school," Hasebe waved at them.

"Bye, get home safe," Ike also waved at them.

Akari smiled at them as they began to leave. "You too! Be safe on the train!"

"Do your job, Mr. Boyfriend!" Takei laughed as he sent them off.

Once the other two left, it was now just Takei and Akari left alone.

"It's been a while since we were alone like this, huh?"

"That's right," Akari nodded. "We were always surrounded by people during the school trip."

Since they were always with people during the school trip, neither Takei nor Akari have had any time for a one-on-one with each other.

"Do you want to flirt on the train or at my house?" Takei asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Heh, you're being really bold tonight~"

"I just felt like spoiling my cute girlfriend, what's so wrong with that?"

As Takei was about to lean in to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, an announcement began to play over the intercom of the train station. "The next train has just arrived. Please board the cabin in a quick and respectful manner."

Since their train home had gotten here, Takei had to stop with the flirting and board the train with Akari.

Due to them boarding a train around dinnertime, it was quite packed to the point where there were no seats.

This resulted in them having to stand and hold the hand rails.

"Are you sure you're okay with standing?" Takei asked. "I can try and find a seat for you if you want."

"Hee hee, you're such a worrywart when it comes to me," Akari beautifully smiled. "I'll be fine, I enjoy standing next to you after all."

When Akari said such a cute thing, Takei was finding it even more increasingly hard to resist eating her up.

We're in public though... Well, it's not like I have the courage anyways. I'm too much of a coward to go in for the bait in front of me. Hopefully there's a catalyst in the future that can set up the mood for me.

After the train had been waiting in the station for 10 minutes, it started to close its doors to depart from the station.

In the last minute of the doors preparing to close, there was a rush of people that ended up forcing Takei and Akari into a precarious situation.

Due to the cabins being overwhelmingly full of people, Takei and Akari ended up in a situation where they were pushed up against the door of the cabin.

"The train will now be departing. Please grab onto something and secure yourself."

Such an announcement was made over the intercom as the train began to pick up momentum and leave the station.

Since Takei and Akari were pushed up against the glass door, there weren't many ways of moving their bodies without bumping into others.

Takei noticed that Akari's face was extremely red and that she was breathing erratically. "Haaaah... Haaah... Haah..."

It was most definitely due to the lack of room for breathing in the train, so he needed to do something quick in order to save his girlfriend.

In almost an instant, Takei slammed his hand against the door next to Akari's face and pushed his body outwards so he could make room for Akari to breathe.

Now that there was enough space between him and her, Akari was able to breathe better in the overcrowded train cabin. "Haaah... Thank you. I was struggling a little bit there."

"It's no problem. I'll always be by your side to protect you."

When Takei said such a heart throbbing line, Akari's face turned red once again.

This time, however, it was for another reason.

First, he does that heart throbbing action of placing his hand next to my face just like those male leads in shoujo mangas. Then, he says such mushy words with an incredibly dashing smile on his face... How is he getting even more handsome by the second?!

As Akari was busy freaking out, Takei became worried once again after he saw Akari's flushed face.

He raised the back of his palm and placed it against Akari's forehead. "You're burning up a lot... I think we need to go to the hospital."

"E-Eh? Wait! I'm not sick or anything!" Akari frantically tried to stop him.

"Then why are you burning up?"

"Ah..." Akari struggled to explain the true reason behind her flushed expression.

"Please tell me," Takei insisted.

After hesitating for a few more moments, Akari gave in to his demands. "You were just so handsome there that I could help but blush..."

This was an answer Takei hadn't seen coming, so he had a bit of trouble reacting to it. "O-Oh, I see..."

An equally embarrassed expression appeared on Takei's face as he turned away to not let her see this side of him.

"What an innocent young couple."

"Ah, youth is beautiful."

An older couple saw their shenanigans and made some embarrassing remarks towards them, which ended up making Takei and Akari blush even harder.

Unsurprisingly, the train ride home ended up being a bit more quiet than they had initially expected due to Takei's hidden nature as a chad.

Supreme Idiot Couple Meter: 10 -> 13%

Kabedons are the best!

Serious-san: *Slam*

Sugar-chan: (inner thoughts) Awawwawawaawawawawwawawaawwawawaawwawaawawawwa