
Nuwa lay in her bed, the echoes of the nightmare still haunting her thoughts. The room was shrouded in darkness, and the only sound was the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the bedside table. She took a deep breath, trying to dispel the lingering fear from her mind. The nightmare felt too real, the claws sinking into her skin, the menacing growls echoing in her ears.

XuanLu, her friend and bed companion for today, stirred in the bed next to her. "You okay?", she asked sleepily, concern etched across her face.

Nuwa nodded, still catching her breath and hands on her face. "Just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about."

XuanLu studied her for a moment before asking, "What did you even dream about..," she paused for a few seconds and continued seeing her drenched in sweat, "… get you this breathless and horrified?" 


Nuwa closed her eyes and breathed deeply, the fiery red eyes from her dream mirrored the fears that lurked in the corners of her mind. Rubbing her face, she mumbled exhaustedly to forget it. 

Not convinced XuanLu looked over her shoulders to catch the bold 3:40 AM on the digital clock at the bedside table. Sighing worriedly, she lay down sideways and patted her friend's back just like her mother would, whenever she got nightmares. 

Sensing the warm pats on her back, Nuwa smiled gently and taking a calm breath, she got herself relaxed to sleep. 

As dawn painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Nuwa and XuanLu decided to meet Mei Ling, hoping to leave the unsettling dreams behind. 

But to think of it, Nuwa suddenly remembers the night incident when she was visiting her mother's grave. Those eyes, how can she forget about that? Those eyes were the same red fiery eyes she had seen that night. But the smoke left an unsettling emotion in her heart. 

Shaking her head, she throws the thoughts out of her already messed-up brain. 

"Hey! Are you okay? Are you still feeling uneasy?" asked XuanLu observing her friend as she put the back of her hand on Nuwa's right cheek. 

Nuwa felt amused seeing her friend getting so worked up over a nightmare, giggling she took the hand away from her face to her heart, "I'm okay, Hm.." 

Distracted by the sudden action, XuanLu was frozen for a moment. She coughed awkwardly and carefully retracted her hand not noticing the amusement in Nuwa's eyes. 

Not able to suppress her laugh anymore, Nuwa burst out laughing while covering her mouth. Noticing her friend's behavior XuanLu pouted and mumbled, "You're taking your sweet time to annoy me." 

Chuckling, Nuwa rounded her arms over her friend's shoulder and pinched her cheeks softly, "Come on! We're getting late for our little get-together." 

"Oh no! How can I forget my idol? Let's go, let's go," excited XuanLu dragged them both to their destination. 


"You look troubled, little one," inquired Mei Ling in a gentle voice, she gazed at the girl carefully with her clear reddish-brown eyes. 

Fidgeting in her place, the girl smiled at her. Internally shocked, by how the woman can easily notice her troubled self. She looked at her surroundings, a table full of delicacies and a cozy environment welcomed her senses back from her occupied thoughts.

She released a shaky breath, "Everything's fine, Aunt Mei. Just feeling under the weather, I guess…" No, she was not okay. Nuwa can feel it, the creepy feeling of being watched from the moment she stepped into the restaurant. 

Guessing, her friend was still disturbed from the nightmare, XuanLu tried to lighten up the atmosphere, "That freaky nightmare literally took a toll on you, I see." 

Yes, freaky, in every sense according to what she had heard from her friend on their way. 

"Nightmare! What nightmare Nuwa?" Mei Ling asked, her eyes widening with concern and curiosity. 

XuanLu exchanged a quick glance with Nuwa, realizing that perhaps she had unintentionally opened a door to a conversation they hadn't planned to have at that moment. 

Nuwa hesitated for a moment before deciding to share the details of her unsettling dream with Mei Ling.

"Well, Aunt Mei, it was more than just a regular nightmare. I dreamt of shadowy figures, eerie whispers, and those same fiery red eyes we encountered that night near my mother's grave. It felt so vivid as if there's something dark and ominous looming over me," Nuwa confessed, her voice carrying a mix of apprehension and confusion. She rubbed her thumb and index finger together.

Mei Ling's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing slightly as she absorbed the information. The atmosphere in the room seemed to change, becoming charged with an energy that hinted at a deeper understanding of the events unfolding. 

"Little one, your dreams may be more than mere figments of your imagination. The shadows have a way of communicating with those attuned to their presence," Mei Ling said cryptically, her gaze fixed on Nuwa as if searching for something beyond the surface.

XuanLu, feeling a sense of urgency, chimed in, "But what does it all mean, Aunt Mei? What connection does Nuwa have with these shadows, and why are they haunting her dreams?" 

Mei Ling sighed, her eyes holding a mixture of sorrow and wisdom. "The answers lie in the threads of fate, woven into the tapestry of destiny. Nuwa, you are connected to a legacy that spans generations, and the shadows are but whispers of a past that refuses to stay buried."

Nuwa's heart raced as the weight of Mei Ling's words settled upon her. The shadows, the nightmares, and the mysterious eyes were all pieces of a puzzle she was only beginning to comprehend.

Sensing the atmosphere turning more serious, she sighed, "Aunt Mei, let's enjoy ourselves while we can, and perhaps later you can share more of these intriguing stories with us?" Nuwa's attempt to lighten the mood hung in the air, but Mei Ling's gaze remained thoughtful as if she knew that the shadows looming over them were not easily dispelled. 

Mei Ling raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through Nuwa's attempt to brush off the unease. "Nightmares can be more than just dreams, child," she said cryptically, her eyes holding a depth of knowledge that seemed to transcend the ordinary.

Nuwa felt a chill run down her spine. Mei Ling's words only added to the mysterious aura that surrounded her. Trying to divert the conversation, Nuwa focused on the delicious spread of food before them. Mei Ling had chosen a variety of dishes, each more enticing than the other.

As they indulged in the feast, Mei Ling spoke about ancient tales and legends, her words weaving a tapestry of myths and magic. Nuwa found herself captivated by the stories, momentarily forgetting the disturbing events of the night.

However, Mei Ling's words weren't just tales of the past. There was an underlying current of urgency in her voice as if she was subtly trying to convey a message. Nuwa couldn't help but wonder if there was a connection between Mei Ling's stories and the strange occurrences in her own life.

The restaurant buzzed with activity, the aroma of spices, and the chatter of other patrons creating a lively atmosphere. Despite the vibrant surroundings, Nuwa couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Her eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the mysterious presence that lingered in the shadows.

XuanLu, ever the cheerful companion, tried to lighten the mood with her animated storytelling and jokes. Nuwa appreciated the effort, but the unease persisted like a nagging whisper in the back of her mind.

Mei Ling excused herself for a moment, leaving Nuwa and XuanLu alone. The air seemed to thicken in her absence, and Nuwa couldn't help but voice her concerns to her friend.

"Lu, do you ever feel like there's something... off? Like we're being watched or followed?" Nuwa hesitated, unsure of how her friend would react.

XuanLu's expression shifted, her playful demeanor replaced by a more serious one. "I've felt it too," she admitted, her eyes scanning their surroundings. "But it's probably just our imagination playing tricks on us, right?" she continued unsured.

Before Nuwa could respond, Mei Ling returned, her presence commanding attention. "Little one, your instincts are not to be ignored. There are forces at play beyond our comprehension, and you must tread carefully," she warned, her eyes locking onto Nuwa's as she took her seat gracefully.

The shadows seemed to dance around them, and Nuwa couldn't shake the feeling that they were being drawn into something much larger than themselves. 

As Mei Ling continued to speak, the weight of the unknown pressed upon Nuwa's shoulders, leaving her with a sense of foreboding that lingered even after they left the restaurant. 

When she arrived home, her aunt was waiting for her In the living room, watching her favorite show.

They then had another pleasant bonding time before Nuwa finally went to her room.

After taking a shower, she lay in her bed. She was thinking about the stories that Mei Ling had told them. Strangely, she couldn't stop herself from overthinking about these. 

She then raised her left hand. Moonlight peeked through her window, falling softly on her wrist as she stared at it. There was a platinum bracelet adorned her wrist with red petal in a small oval-shaped glass pendant. 

A parting gift from Mei Ling.

She caressed it softly with her other hand as if it would break, the glass pendant suddenly shone under the moonlight. The red petal in it had this sparkly dust giving an illusion of pixie dust. 

Awe by the bracelet's beauty, she instantly sits straight, her eyes shining with childlike wonder. 

The delicate glow of the red petal's sparkly dust captivated Nuwa, casting a magical allure in her eyes. Mei Ling's parting gift held a mystique that transcended the ordinary, and Nuwa couldn't help but be entranced by the ethereal beauty that adorned her wrist. 

It was as if the bracelet held a connection to the mysterious world Mei Ling spoke of, and for a moment, Nuwa felt a subtle resonance between the enchanted trinket and the shadows that lingered in the corners of her reality. 

She hugged her own hand affectionately, a gentle smile on her lips, before drifting off to sleep.