An obedient wife

Sara : " Alright !!!!!!! Just bear it this time and next time , maybe ... i mean ... maybe, i won't cause trouble outside... okay!!!"

Caller : " Nevermind. That's what you said last time ....and now again.... if you create trouble again ....then i will definitely let you do the half of the paperwork ....for you to remember ...the lesson ... okay!!!!"

Sara : " We will discuss it later , bbye !!!" A clear cut refusal.... Hell !!!!!!!!!!!! Paperwork ! No. Never. Ever.

And without wasting a breath , she hung up... afraid that this crybaby ... might force her, to change her mind and plan.

Then she turns around to face all the crew members and said : " Let's go , to Airport , Our flight is waiting for us to go back home... "

Everyone : " Air Asia !!!Again?"

Sara nodded and they all have the brightest smiles on their faces , finally.... they are going home....

Tina :" What about you ?"

And the two princes hold their breaths subconsciously... As this with define their future too.

Sara : " Don't worry , Captain Mohit will be taking as first officer in command and Captain Alvin will hold the Second officer in Command . So, rest assure . They won't let anything or anyone harm you . I trust them .Plus . I have finally taken a week off . So , I would like to enjoy it first and relax here . See you all after a week "

After hearing that Tina rush towards Sara and hug her if she doesn't want to get separated from Sara ..

And Sara too understand her feelings.. After all, falling into a trauma is normal, especially after what they all suffer.

"Don't worry , I will inform Chandni and Vaishnavi. They both will take care of you in my absence, okay! Plus, I will also arrange your meeting with Dr. Rajvanshi. In case you might need some medical assistance. Okay!" Sara said ..

But all were looking at her stunned speechlessly..

Hell!!!!!!!!! Dr. Kriya Rajvanshi , World's Best doctor ....Is Sara talking about her ? No...RIGHT!!!!!!!!!

But Tina nodded in acknowledgement. As, when it comes to Miss Rajput then nothing is impossible.

And then they all went back to CREWBUSS. Sara was also about to board the buss..

But a deep cold voice stopped her on her tracks , : " Are you leaving ? We still have lots to discuss." and Sara froze in her spot and couldn't help but turn around to see the most beautiful creature in this earth....she has ever seen..

This was the first time when she was actually watching Crown Prince Jacob and she just kept on staring... at the definition of male god .. .in front of her... Though, she doesn't know his identity. But she could tell that, he oozes strong, powerful, dangerous aura from his body, which she has only, in some rare moments though, had seen in Trevor. The Head Chief of UN.

It took her more than 20 seconds... to get back the control of her senses. She bowed down 90 degree and said :" Thank you so much for your help. I will always remain grateful for that. But right now, i still have to make sure that they boarded the flight and will land safely at their home country. To ensure that i have to go with avoid any other mishap from happening. I will be back here within 45 minutes.. "

After finishing her speech ....without turning back ....she board the bus... took the pilot seat and start the engine and drove away...

No one stop her. Jacob just kept on staring firstly at the girl then at her back...then at the bus...and now at the wall....

This girl is really something.....Whenever the opposite sex of human being or shifter watch him....they actually fall into daze...and mostly couldn't gain back their senses...even after his departure....but this girl...just 20 seconds and she actually broke out his charm spell...

' What's the reason? is he not charming enough nowadays... or did he lose his charm , now? Or he isn't charming enough for her get attracted...' all these questions were running inside his head....

Plus , she actually talk back....and make him agree to her request...he was actually waiting for her to come back....

All the shifters were staring at each other as if they have seen Zombies .....'Hell !!!!!!!!!! THE ALMIGHTY CROWN PRICE actually get dumbfounded... by a mere human...'

' This mere human actually made The Almighty Crown Prince wait for her..'

'Woah!!!!!! I love her guts....she actually talk back without the hint of danger or nervousness '

All the people who witnessed the scenes were going crazy...whereas Chaol , just kept on staring at his Almighty brother ....who was waiting for her ....just like an obedient wife...

He wanted to laugh out loud...but trying his best to suppress his laughter.....when did his brother changes from a dangerous cold iceberg to an obedient wife.... Now, that's new.

And he just wanted to shout out in the entire multiverse....Hell!!!!! This news is too much for him to handle and enjoy alone....he should share it with others , especially with the eldest brother. Lord Erawan. Jacob and Chaol's elder brother. As for why this guy is Crown prince and that elderly guy isn't. Well, some of it has been mentioned in my book 'An Accident that leads to a miracle', as for the rest. Well, that would be revealed in near future.

So, back to earth. Chaol felt like he might pass out laughing. but he knows, if Brother Erawan came to know about it. Then he wouldn't be any better than Chaol. Damn, if Chaol is fun loving and jovial personality and Jacob is dangerous iceberg. Then Lord Erawan is the line between the duo's personality.

He can be much dangerous than Lord Jacob in time of needs. But he can be as carefree, as fun loving, as enthusiastic as Chaol too. That's the reason, he chose his brothers above his kingdom, above this Universe. Above everything.

These two brothers are the apple of Erawan's eye. And he can only turn serious, when it comes to these two guys. Talking about Erawan, so he isn't in planet Earth but as Planet Uraco. As for when will these brothers unite and what crack-headness their meeting will bring, that's the talk for another day,too.


AT the Airport :

Tina : " I will going to miss you , Sara ...."

Sara : " Aww, Then why not stay here with me ?" with fake hurt expression..

Tina knows that she can't reject Sara but she just wants to go back to her safe haven....this country was making her unsafe ....with each and every passing single second...

Sara also understood her feelings and thoughts , so she decided not to pursue . And just like that THE ENTIRE INCIDENT happen within 2 and half hours....within this much time ...they actually went through hell and heaven and now were going back to they all were happy..

They all bid their farewells and left..

Sara looks at the Crewbus and decided to go for a taxi...after all...she can't recklessly drive THE CREWBUSS's not for commoners anyways. As crewbus carries it's own rules and regulations, which she avoided at the time of urgency. But now she can't.

And as she has promised to certain person ....within half an hour she was already near the gates...but now there was the problem.

The gates were closed...

She was thinking about what to do ? After all she had promised them ...that she will be there . And she is the kind who always fulfill her promises...

While she was contemplating the door suddenly opened and the black limousine car came from inside.