Power of fatigue

But then, now thinking about it in detail, then the reason Crown Prince get fascinated by this human, is precisely because of her being different from those greedy, corrupted, envious, stupid humans. Isn't it!

Thus, by consoling his little heart like this, Chaol finally sighed, while igniting two little candles for his poor brother in his heart. After all, making this girl like The Crown Prince aka his brother, is far more than Mission Impossible.

" Miss Rajput. You don't have to feel like a stranger here. After all, it indeed was due to negligence in duty by us, that you and your friends have to suffer so much. And because of which, you have to stay here. So, please don't stress much about this. And enjoy your stay here. Okay!" Chaol said from behind, in his cello like voice. [ Oh! I just checked all the chapters only to find out, I haven't even mentioned how Chaol's voice sounded.] Then, it has to be a cute, cheerful one, a quite huge contrast to what I have described in An Accident that leads to a miracle one.

Reason : Here, Chaol isn't the lonely soul anymore. Besides, he isn't the villain here, at all. He is the side character, more like a young brotherly figure, who is more like a punching bag, a source of 1000 watt smile, a cheeky, non-serious,crackhead type.

As we all have a very soft, very cute, very childish side, which we show only to the person we love the most. Same goes for Chaol; For others, he is The God of Destruction.He is fierce, dangerous, cruel , heartless and many things, but in front of Jacob he is just a little guy who wants to be spoiled and cherished by his brothers.

Besides, after spending 1000 years as a loner, when he finally got his family, his lifeline, his pet,his reason for existence and his everything. Then, he is bound to act like a person, who wants nothing in this World but his cold, rude, intimidating brother and family.

Since, he doesn't have any mates. Since, he can't have his special one. His specific person. So, he is satisfied by his pet Amanthus, who always awaits him and cares for him.

Guys, no need to feel sad. You know, how author is. Author is a strong and old believer of Happy endings. And as Shahrukh khan said ; If the ending is not the happy ending, then dear friend, this movie called life isn't over yet. [ Picture abhi baaki hai, mere dost.]

So, that's why in my next book; you guys will see a completely shocking love story between Chaol and Priya. The story between a god and a ghost, in its most completely chaotic state. [God of destruction ; The end is the new beginning available on web novel apps.] I know the name of the girl is Kavya there, but Kavya is the name of my phoenix too. So, Priya be it. I am sure you 're gonna love it. I will work on it after this book.


Back to story ;

Well, poor Sara, what else could she do except nod. She knows she can mess with Al Qaeda or any other Terrorist Organization as the UN will back her up. But messing with the Royals, even UN can't save her ass up, if that happens. After all, she is just a single person, they aren't gonna protect her from them at the priceless cost.

Finally after walking for half an hour more, they reach the place.. that place.. what they call... sitting area. See, just walk a bit and she already forgot the place called the sitting area. Damn , this walk was far worse than her tough flying hours in the sky. The moment she stared at the sofa upfront, she literally forgot to give a damn to the palace or royalty thing and landed directly on the comfortable sofa, as if her life depended upon it.

Making Chaol laugh out loud once again, even Jacob ended up smiling a bit. Fine, they get to know, she isn't the walker type. It's not like the route they took was the main route type thing, but Jacob just wanted to show her around the palace. But seems like for her, the most interesting thing was the sofa, where she was already lying flatly, staring at the ceiling which was so damn high above, akin to 4-th floor of the building and a large, shiny, eye-catchy, glassy chandelier hanging on the middle of the ceiling, accompanied by many little chandeliers on the sides.

She just wanted to rest a bit, then sit on the sofa and all the stuff. But damn! As if the sofa was made of cloud and the cushion was made of cotton candy, the moment her head hit the cushion, within a few blinks, she drifted into dreamland, surprising both the brothers. Here, a moment earlier she was still blinking staring at the ceiling, next moment her eyes got closed and very soon her breathing could be heard.

Chaol : "..."

Jacob : "..."

Sara : "zzzzzzzzzz"


Chaol and Jacob just kept on staring at each other. This was the first time, when they were watching a human sleeping, in front of them. If those people, who got tortured to death by these duo and those girls, with whom Chaol used to spend nights were excluded out.

But seriously, they have never seen a human sleeping. At least not with that expression, the expression of bliss in her face was something, nothing could match upto. That cute little smile on her face,akin to a child in deep slumber, made both brothers stare intently at her.

As if they were studying an Alien species. Well, technically humans were aliens to them. But practically they know everything about humans, that they only disgust them. So, watching her sleeping soundly, cutely, smilingly and blissfully was like a new discovery for these brothers.

Soo, Jacob told everyone to leave the sitting area alone, telepathically, to which everyone complied, along with Chaol, who left to watch his cute and lovely Amanthus for some fun. After all, they have some humans from that Al qaeda organization to have fun with. Only Jacob remains there. That too, being fully engrossed in this sleepy child.

He sat in the nearby sofa while watching her intently, unknown to the fact, he was smiling, himself without any reason. What's more, his grin was getting wider and wider as the moment passed by.

But soon he fell into a dilemma. He really wanted to know, what was it she was dreaming about that she was smiling so cutely. But sneakily peeking in her dreams without her permission, won't be good, right! After all, this girl should have all right to her privacy. So, he was in big dilemma, whether he should peek or not.

With his power, it was an easy task. But...he doesn't want to violate her privacy. He kept struggling for a long time, then he decided not to do anything. As he should respect her privacy. He just extended his hands a bit, then focused his mind power on something and soon piles of stacks could be seen in his hands.

Then, he placed the documents on the side table, again did the same, this time his laptop came. Thus, he busied himself with the documents at hand. After all, he has the greater responsibility on his shoulders, he just can't neglect it just like that, right! So, he kept himself busy, while glancing at her sleepy face occasionally.