A subunit between a commoner and a prince

Then, they stare at each other, as if trying to talk telepathically, which wasn't possible in their case. As one was human, another a god. So, they started talking with each other in the expressions language, as if they really take Jacob for a statue, who won't understand them.

' When did we arrive here?' She asked with her raising brows.

' How do i know?' Came his reply, who just shrugged.

' Did he-Did he hear it?' She asked next with worry on her face.

' Indeed he did. But the question is, how much did he hear?' Chaol said the first one with a deep sigh, then the another one with the expression of terror.

' Why? Why are you so nervous now?' She asked with a sly smile.

' Because, he will kill me, if i said, i am going out.' He give that matter-of-factly look.

' You mean, you were planning to skip the palace,just like that?' Sara asked with her brows tightly knitted together.

' Ahem! Yeah. He won't agree. So,a simple yet safe way.' He replied,while showing all his teeth in the embarrasing smile.

' No way. So, the young prince is a coward.' She asked while trying hard not to laugh much.

' If you have guts,then ask for the permission, yourself. Then, we will see. Who is brave and who is coward?' He said, with a humph sound.

' Hey! Why should I ask permission for you?' She raised her brow again.

' Because, you are my knight in the shinning armour. Besides, I admit i am a coward, when it comes to him. So, hurry up and ask. He won't refuse your request as a guest.' He pleaded with that cute puppy look once again.

But before she could say anything… in expression language…

"Ahem! You guys are really taking me as a stone. Don't you?" Jacob asked once again. Making both the heads to snap back at Jacob, then they both give a sheepish smile as a guilty child, who got caught red-handedly while doing the crime.

" Let's have our breakfast. Then, we have an important meeting with Head of The Forces at County Department. So, Chaol be prepared for that. Miss Rajput, please." Jacob said with politeness, making the duo to stare at each other.

' Ahem! You are brave, aren't you?' Chaol asked with a pleading look.

' But he is your brother.' She replied back. Fine her bravery was wavering too.

' Since when?' Chaol replied back, rendering her speechless.

" You two have something to say?" Jacob, who raised his head from his plate third time, to look at the two debating person, couldn't help but ask.

And both shake their heads like a rattle snake. Soon, both started searching for their positions. Sara wanted to sit at the position she selected last night. But Chaol gave her pleading look forcing her with his cuteness and highly adorable charms to sit with the brothers, together.

So, now in the Head seat was Jacob, to his left was Chaol, while to his right was Sara. Jacob could tell that something was missing. That his brother and this girl was up to something. But, what exactly! So, he waited for either person to speak, while focusing on his plate.

He stare at the duo's plate, but one was playing with the food, while another hadn't even touched it. He raise his head, only to see them having a serious discussion with each other, without even saying a single word out loud.

They both felt a cold shiver run through their spine, making them to stare at Jacob. The moment they saw him staring at them, intently. They both focused on their plates and started eating.

Finally after the painstaking efforts they were done with the food. Jacob waited and waited. But he could tell their hesitation was greater than his curiosity to know. So, he decided to focus on work at hand. But the moment, he place his spoon on the plate, indicating he has eaten to his fill. And he was about to get up and leave, Chaol butted in ; " Bro! Miss Rajput wants to say something. Isn't it, Miss Rajput?"

As for Sara, who got involved in Chaol and Jacob discussion out of the blue, ended up choking on her bite, coughing profusely. It was like, she will die with this choke.

Making Jacob to sigh deeply, then he rub her back, while offering her a glass of water to calm down. After 2-3 minutes of coughing, finally she calmed down. And the first thing, she did was stare with murderous intent at the culprit who drag her down out of the blue.

Well, her stare clearly states ; ' If you want to die. Then just go ahead, why dragging me into this.' After all, this person was Crown Prince, she would be killed without her bones left, if she angered him. Yet, he, a prince himself, can't counter back with his own brother. But want to drag a mere commoner into this. How ironic!

Chaol just give the guilty look. Jacob being the smart one, didn't ask anything.

" Are you alright?" He asked to Sara, who nodded back. Daeng! She hasn't even been with Chaol for that long, yet she was already getting scared by this Crown Prince. Is the saying, 'better alone than in a bad company', being applied here.

Or the one that say ' one rotten apple can rot the whole basket of apple down.' See, now even she was hesitating and fearing this crown prince.

" Ohk. Then have some rest. After which, you can go and explore Dubai as you like. I have arranged the driver and a guide for you. So, have fun. See you in the evening. Chaol let's go." He said, what should be said, then stare at the Chaol who gave the look as if his soul left him away.

Jacob didn't pay attention as usual. But Sara saw it all. And despite knowing, she was calling her own death like this, she ended up saying ; " Ahem! Mr. Crown Prince. If you don't mind.. I mean.. You surely would mind…. But please can Young Prince go with me? Please!!!"

Making Chaol to get back that 1000watt smile on his face, and his eyes showing that shinning stars in it, which were filled with anticipation, while starring at Jacob. Making Jacob to stare at the pleading girl and puppy faced brother of his and sighed deeply once again.

When did these two form a subunit! How come, he didn't know? Didn't the trio met yesterday, only?