Finally the moment we awaits

All his people, who heard their Lord's voice,couldn't help but tremble in fear, while staring at each other. Just who pisses their Lord this time? May his/ her soul rest in peace and so does theirs. After all, if they didn't find this crucial place, then they will be dead, too.

" Yep, Magic Shop. I want to go to Magic Shop." She said with utmost astonishment and stars in her eyes. But before, he could ask her anything about this certain shop of hers. She passed out, all-thanks to the effect of the excessive drinking. Making him, who was crouched down in the place, all thanks to her antic drama, to get up instantly to hold her tightly in his embrace.

After all,the girl passed out and she was about to fall down on the marbled floor, which he couldn't afford. He was holding her tightly in his arms, so that she won't fall. Then, he started waiting for his men's instruction to that Shop of hers. But to say nothing about 10 minutes, even 3 hours passed. But there was no response about that particular shop.

So, after sighing, as he failed in finding her favourite place, he took her in princess style to his room, while placing her in his oh-so-cozy, luxurious, comfortable and cotton like bed, with utmost precautions and care, in order to ensure she won't be uncomfortable while sleeping.

The moment, Sara felt the touch of bed, beneath her. She subconsciously in her sleep, turn to other side of the bed, making Jacob to sigh again. But then, still like an obedient guy, he placed a pillow under her head, while covers over her body. After all, she was wearing one piece, black shimmering, sleeveless, dress, which was reaching till her midthigh. What's more, the dress was making \_/ shape in the front, showcasing her beautiful collarbones on full display. As for the back, well that was covered by her curly long open hairs. So, clueless.

She was wearing black leather pencil heels, to whom only she knows, how she was managing till now, in those heels, while ensuring not to trip down on the floor. Obviously as her one and only care-taker, he has to remove her heels too. After which, he covered her body with cover, till her pea sized face could be seen only.

Then, he just sighed deeply, while adjusting himself in the chair, next to her bed. His eyes fixed on her little, beautiful face. Well, he wasn't a creep. But his eyes, as if they didn't know how to detach them away from her sleeping, mesmerizing face, was completely fixed.

No matter, how he tried, he just couldn't snatch his eyes away from her. Plus, he knows, how uncomfortable she used to get, near him. So, he can only watch her, without any hesitation or interruption when she is sleeping soundly.

Thus, before he know, the fellow, who only god knows when have taken his last nap in the entire century, was already sleeping soundly, with his cute snores filling the atmosphere. Well, they weren't loud enough to disturb the sleep.But in the silent room, only her even breathing and his cute, little snoar could be heard, only. Disturbing the silence and peace of the room.

After all, it's been more than millenia, for him being alive. So, sleeping for him is something, that he does with century thing. He would sleep within centuries, that too for few days only. That's how, his body was. And so was Chaol and Erawan's. But Chaol… being.. Chaol. He had long been used to sleeping on daily basis. Thus, he was also sleeping. Thus, except for Lord Erawan, who sleep once in every 3-4 century for atleast a week. Jacob was the only person, who can persist for centuries, because of his duties and work.


Next day;

"Uwagh!" A lazy girl, who was sleeping soundly, without any worry or fear about the World, finally yawn lazily on her bed, while opening her eyes.

She has that cute smile on her eyes. Reason : Finally her dream, in her dream comes true. Hehe, sounds complicated, isn't it? But what Sara means is, finally there came a day, when her dream of getting married to William and then advancing further in their marriage, by consumating their mariage. At least in a dream, itself. But nevertheless, it does happen, in the end, right!

So, she opened her eyes with bliss on her face, but which only get replaced with confusion and anxiety, the moment she stare at the surrounding. Nope, it wasn't the hotel, room. Nor was this, her room in the palace. Then, where was she? And the first thought, that came to her mind was to scream on top of her lungs.

But after starring at the extra-vagant, luxurious ceiling, she dropped the idea. After all, maybe the people from Al Qaida captured her and bring her to their boss. Then, it won't be ideal to scream and grab their attention, right. So, she sit up immediately, only to get witnessed with the scene which dumbfounded her.

Nope, it wasn't Al Qaida's headquarter. She was still in the royal palace. How does she know? Well, that was answered by the figure sleeping soundly, while snoring cutely, occassionally on the chair, not to far away from her. His laptop on his lap, his one hand holding some files tightly in it, while another was holding a pen.

Wow, this guy can still grip them in his hand, despite sleeping blissfully. Well, the guy was already the epitome of unparalleled handsomeness. And now, when he was devoid of that intimidating, cold aura of his. Then, any of the reader can tell, that this is the sight to behold, forever. After all, a handsome man which is approachable, who doesn't want that.

Sara smiled a little, after starring at the future Ruler of Aurelia, who for once was looking like a harmless creature. She started walking sneakily, in order to not to wake the sleeping beauty up. Then, she advanced towards him, the moment her feet touched the ground.


Alright guys, then let's begin. Keep on voting.