E-Evening you say!

" What?" She asked starring at his gobsmacked face.

" Early!!! It's already 5 in the evening, for crying out loud. You call it early." Chaol asked in utmost surpise, bringing the laready dazed Saara into another level of reverie.

"E-Evening, you say!" She asked, while trying hard not to let her mind shutdown, at such a crucial moment. She just woke up few minutes earlier. And it turned into evening. Did Mother Earth, changed it's speed? How come she woke in the morning and when she reached her room, it turned into evening?

Or could it be, she actually woke up in the evening. Then was she sleeping in Crown Prince's room for whole fuckin day? Nope, right! Please, it can't be. It can't be. No!!! It can't be. Daeng! She is doomed.

Did she snore? Did she fart? Did she drool? Did she do anything to embarrass herself?

"Ahhhhhh!!!! Did I? Maiyyaaaaa!!!" And she shouted out loud on top of her lungs, scarring the already confused and shocked Chaol to his wits end. Daeng. Is this person on the verge of breakdown, the same cute girl he knew yesterday? But then,gust of calm breeze came, which somehow sober her up.

After a moment or two of cursing and blaming, she finally calmed down. After all, it's not like she can change anything. Even if she has embarrassed herself, then she can only sigh at the thought. Thus, like that she console herself. Making Chaol to not understand the human species for the first time. Her facial expressions were thousand times more interesting that roller-coaster ride. Just look, how she was sad, then broken, then confused, then surprised, then on the verge of crying, then as if she was bullied, thn slow consoling and now coming in terms.

It was just too much for him to handle. Firstly, he doesn't know, where she was till now. As he was waiting for her till the morning. And now, when she finally arrived, then look it seems like she was getting in term with the death sentence, itself.

" Hey! Are you alright?" He asked with worrry in his voice. Making her want to cry, without any tears in her eyes. For god sake, can she say she wasn't? The answer would be no. She can't say that out loud.

" Yeah. If being grasped in death's claw is considered as fine, then i am." She replied sarcastically. Making him to look at her in confusion. What? Death? Without his permission? That much audacity of Death! Doesn't it want to exists anymore? DEATH!!!

'DEATH' And Chaol directly summon it. While snapping his fingers, to freeze the time itself for a moment. Soon, a dark, pitch black shadow came from the darkness of the black hole, landing in the room, like a great warrior, on it's knees, in front fo this Lord.

'Yes master.' A voice resounded on Chaol's mind.

' What did you do to this girl?' He asked in that deadly dangerous voice, making even Death to shiver profusely, just by hearing it.

'N-Nothing.' Death replied timidly.

' Then what she just said, what does that mean?' He asked, getting more and more angry, bringing the room to the freezing temperature, bringing the kind of darkness, that humans have never ever witness. And maybe never ever would witness, the darkness that even Death's darkness paled in comparrisson.

'M-Master, i-i don't know.' Death replied sincerely, while being affected by this good jovial lord's aura.

' Get lost.' Chaol ordered. Making Death to vanish in an instant.Then,after some moment, he finally calm down, bringing back his jovial persona. After which, he snap the finger and make the time work again.

" What do you mean, Miss Rajput? I don't get it." He replied back instantly. Well, even death doesn't know, then how could he suppose to understand.

" Nothing. What are you doing in my room, anyways?" She asked, bit annoyed. Well, if it had been any other person, she might have shared the fact, she was with Crown Prince, in his room, and that she slept soundly in his very bed. But the person in concern, is that guy's younger brother.

So, can she share it with him? Obviosuly answer would be No. Only a fool would think of telling this. Like this. To this guy. I mean, just imagine, for a moment, that she did, then what would he think, she is like all those girls out there, who try every means to get in The Royal Brothers' pants. That she is just another greedy whore, which she isn't. Then why make things complicated.

Besides, she just remember she was searching for her room, like a lost puppy. When that guy offered help. As for what happened afterwards. Whether something that much atrocious between them happened or not. Whether that guy actually took adavantage of her or not. All these questions are just a mystery for her, about whom she was busy pondering on her way back, while bitting her lower lip.

One of the reason, why she got shocked after starring at Chaol, the moment he entered the room. And now, this guy was only making her heart, who was on the brink of dying previously from hyperworking, to get hyperactive once again.

Nope, she is a good girl. Plus, the guy was sleeping on the chair. But what if he was sleeping there.. after… that… Otherwise, he could have been awake. Who sleep till evening, without any hangover? And the more she thinks, the more she feel like the World is coming to an end for her.

" Hey! Relax! Why are you so worked up? Huh! I was here to ask you, when are we leaving? You promised me, that you willtake me out. What? Are you going back on your promise, Miss Rajput?" He asked, trying to enlighten the mood, as well as to stop her from getting lost in her trains of thought.

Well, if he wants then he can know, what she was thinking with his power. But, after realizing that this girl belongs to his brother. He decided against it. After all, only his brother should do that,if he wants to. As he has already admitted this cute little girl as his sister-in-law.