Groupies meet princeling and Sara

"Anything else?" Jacob asked again, after getting no response from them.

" Nope. No problem. Thanks." Sara said and directly hung up the phone, despite the other side being The Crown Prince. Making him to chuckle loudly in a serious room ,earning the looks of 12 people in the room, who were currently there fom last 3 hours, busy talking about the state affairs of Uraco, with this Crown Prince.

If they say, they weren't shock, then it would be an understatement. But the chuckle, it completely caught them offguard. This guy, he can laugh. This frozen glacier. And everyone couldn't help but wonder, just who was on the other side of the phone.

And Sara and Chaol ended up hugging each other in over-excitement. 'Yay! We did it.' Both shouted on top of their lungs. Making the little child to smack his forehead in exaggerattion. But even the little child could tell that, these two were beyond repair.

After all, just look how weird they look and act.

"Till 12."They both shouted in unison. As if they have just recieved the general amnesty from the Emperor. Soon, they sat nearby the open place, they watch how night started spreading it's magic on the sky. How various forms of colours, some of which are known while some are still unknown to humans started overlapping with one another in the endless sky, then how it turned pitch black but not for long. As soon the sky get filled with moon and stars.

Chaol watched the group of people nearby that open restaurant place, who were organizing the bonfire and all the necessary things, getting more and more intrigued. After all, if someone asked him what is barbeque, he would just stare back. That's how, cute and cool the guy is.

[ And a little spoiler, the people nearby Chaol and Sara are none other than Groupies of My Book The Dead End Adventure; which is basically a story about the group of adventurous people, who fell into grave danger because of their conquest of adventure and thrill.

And they got rescued and guided safely back to the normal human land by a werewolf. As for who exactly is the werewolf and how he/she guided them. That all lies in the book 'The Dead End Adventure' and which is actually a mystery too.

This book was supposed to be participating in for a competition. But since, it doesn't win then.. Sigh.

So, the main thing is that, it is that Groupies, who have been mentioned here, in case some of the Dead END Adventure lovers might have miss them. ]

Chaol stare at the groupies, who stare back at him and Sara. But as always, there was One Mysterious Lady, who was acting like, she was just a hallucination there, as always.

But the moment, Anna's light blue eyes wander from Sara to Chaol, they got narrowed a bit. She could feel the strangeness in Chaol. Some kind of strangeness, that she, herself wasn't sure about.

As for Chaol, he was watching the people there. Everyone were enjoying happily, even making fun of each other. But this certain girl was quite. Completely quite. Leaning on the log of wood, while reading a very heavy book. But the moment his eyes met Anna, a complicated feeling rise from the pit of his stomach.

Just one look and he could tell that,she isn't a human. Daniel, the leader of the groupie saw His mysterious lady, losing focus from her book, which definitely was more of a miracle and watching wide-eyed at the person at the open-themed restaurant, who was starring back at her, expresionlessly.

Sara also saw Anna and Chaol starring at each other Though, their eye-contact wasn't that of love at first sight or lovestruck fool, or long-separated lover or anything like that. Nope, none among them. They both were starring at each other as if a predator was starring at prey, where Anna was being the prey, while Chaol was being the predator.

After all, Chaol's beastly side was starring at the little pup. As he could clearly see that this human was completely clueless about her very own constituion, making her animalistic side to be as good as newborn, making it more easy and delicious meal for him.

Daniel watch this scene and he definitely didn't like the way Chaol was starring at This Mysterious Lady, who haven't even told her first name to anyone, yet. Katherine and Sara were also starring at the duo, who were in the starring competition with each other.

"Ahem.. Princeling. Is everything alright?" Sara asked Chaol, as she definitely, didn't like the way this young prince was starring at that girl. Chaol stare at Anna sitting nearby the wooden log, then stare back at Sara, the girl who was here with him, coz she promised to show him this world.

And he closed his eyes shut tightly, to hide the darkness in his eyes. Yep, his oceanic blue eyes were getting darker and darker, the moment he started starring at Anna. He couldn't help it, that newborn pup was indeed tempting. When was the last time, he had hunt and kill.

He can't even count it out in fingers. After all, now people follow democracy and blah blah blah. And last time, when he went on hunt was...more than millenia before.

He calmed his agitating beastly side. After all, he can't give a bad impression to Sara, his most possible future sister-in-law, right! So, when he opened his eyes again, all the glint of hostility was gone from his eyes.

But Anna Westfall couldn't keep her eyes away from Chaol, for god knows, what reason. There it was, that strange, weird thing, which mostly turns her nights into nightmares. Something inside her was screaming on top of it's lungs. Screaming to run, to hide, to escape as soon as possible.

Again her vision was getting blurred, her hearing aids were getting heightened once again and her heart was beating tremendously fast, she was getting the fast adrenaline rush, one after another. It was like, she was getting cornered just by the gaze of that guy, she was actually getting the being preyed feeling, which definitely wasn't good at all.