Mystery of Love

It was a beautiful day where I lived, in a quiet apartment building, I opened the blinds in my room before deciding to head into the town who knew that it would all change, one minute I was walking through town, the next I felt like I was falling. I was in a mysterious place. This place with crystal clear skies, my first thoughts "what a beautiful place, but WHERE THE HELL AM I?"

Just as I said it out loud I hear rustling in the bush next to me, I thought it would have been a cute little bunny. How could I of been so wrong...

Oh before I forget...

"SHIT I'm being chased by a hungry pack of female lions before I've ever lived! I'm about to become someone's dinner, I'm screwed I've never been the athletic type."

Just as I thought I was safe a beautiful white tiger came into sight, I tripped "oh no, no" but before I could think anymore the beautiful creature pounced over my fallen body, "defiantly am well in truly fucked"- Before I could stumble back up onto my trembling feet, the creature had scared off the lions. Then the strangest thing happened...the tiger turned into the most beautiful man, as he walked towards me I noticed only his beautiful face my face burning bright red in embarrassment-

"YOU'RE NAKED!!!"-Then it all went black.

I flashed backed to my old life, where I wasn't happy and I was no one of importance. Back in the beginning, I'm just one of those ordinary girls, I'm 16 years old, trying to make my parents proud, wish it was as easy as that, they're never around. Hard to make someone proud when they don't take the time to see their only daughter, my name is Celeste, I was born with blonde hair and two different coloured eyes, one blue and the other purple. It was hard growing up with people always looking at you differently because you had one eye that was a different colour, I always blamed myself for this, for my parents not being around. I had no siblings, and no one at school wanted to talk to me. But that will all change for me soon before I would even know it.